Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life Transitions Essay

The mesosystem is the second structure within Bronfenbrenner’s social ecological model. Bowes & Hayes (1999) describe the mesosystem as the interrelationships between the indivuduals in the microsystem. There is direct collaboration between the individual and their relationships between their microsystem, their behaviors, expectations and values may differ with different experiences (Bowes, Grace & Hayes 2012). Regarding my life transition, the relationships between home and school within the microsystem became stressful, causing a negative impact on myself. Though when looking at figure 2, it is evident that after the stressors had ceased, a strong positive relationship occurred. This example highlights how a negative relationship between two aspects of the microsystem can dramatically change and become a powerful mesosytem agents to the individual effecting their development. Other indirect relationships that still effect the individual are seen in the exosystem. Garbarino (1992) describes the exosystem as a setting in which the individual is not directly involved with, but still has an effect on them through the meso or microsystem. In terms of my life transition, the relationship with my father and his workplace from figure 1 does not affect me directly, though due to this my relationship with my father lessened throughout my transition to University for his working hours increased causing us to spend less time together. The outer most relationships shown in figures 1 and 2 are known as the macrosystem. According to Bowes, Grace & Hayes (2012) the macro system is the broad societal or cultural contexts, cultural beliefs systems and values that are passed through our micro and mesosystems. An example of my personal transition is the government fundings for rural students to study away from home which allowed my financial transition to be much smoother. The last key structure to Bronfenbrenner’ social ecological model is known as the chronosystem. The chronosystem emphasizes the individuals changes or in any of the ecological contexts of development over time (Shaffer & Kipp 2006). An example of my personal transition that was undertaken was the sudden death of my father. It not only changed myself as an individual, but will  continue to affect my across my life span. Harms (2010) created another multidimensional approach within Bronfenbrenner’s model which takes the individuals inner world into consideration as well as their environment. Both Harms and Bronfenbrenner’s models display that though there are different dimensions of the models, they are both connected to each other in multiple ways. Gibsons theoretical framework is another example of a perspective in human development. Both Bronfenbrenner and Gibsons theories involved the concept of there being a strong relationship between the individual and their environment, both have aspects that are focused in change over time Tudge, Gray, & Hogan (1997). Developmental niche is another example of a model based upon different dimentions. Harkness & Super, (1994) define a developmental niche as two processes that are unique to an individual. It is based upon three basic components, the physical and social settings, culturally regulated customs and the psychology of the individual an example of a developmental niche would be the individual and their close friends as it was formed from mutual interests. In addition, the relationships between the structures of an individual’s microsystem can also impact in a similar way. Furthermore when discussing individual development, the concepts of resilience and vulnerability must be seen as factors. In terms of my personal transition, I would haveoriginally been seen as vulnerable, though due to increasing protective factors such as new relationships being formed from my microsystem level, I then would have been deemed resilient as I was able to thrive and adapt to the new change (Miller, Osbahr, Boyd, Thomalla, Bharwani, Ziervogel,†¦ & Nelson 2010). Life transitions occur in individuals lives due to a psychological or environmental change in a particular time in their life. My personal transition that is being discussed was the move from highschool and my home town, to moving to Bendigo and commence University studies. Bronfenbrenners ecological model was used to demonstrate the changed faced in terms of Microsystems, Mesosystems, Exosystem and Macrosystems. There are many other contributing factors that influence an individual and their life changes,  from other theories such as Harms model, as well as Gibsons, to the vulnerability or resilience of the individual. When taking all these aspects into my personal transition, it is clearly shown that my relationships, psychological state and environment have all ended as positive and thus becoming a positive transition. References: Berry, J. O. (1995). Families and deinstitutionalization: An application of Bronfenbrenner’s social ecology model. Journal of Counseling & Development,73(4), 379-383. Bowes, J, M., Hayes, A. (1999). Children, families and communities: contexts and consequences. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Bowes, J., Grace, R,. & Hayes, A. (2012). The role of context in childrens development. Retrieved from: Bronfenbrenner, U. (1999). Environments in developmental perspective: Theoretical and operational models. Measuring environment across the life span: Emerging methods and concepts, 3-28. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1997). Ecological models of human development. Readings on the development of children, 1993, 37-43. Garbarino, J. (1992). Children and families in the social environment (2nd ed.). New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Harkness, S., & Super, C. M. (1994). The developmental niche: A theoretical framework for analyzing the household production of health. Social science & medicine, 38(2), 217-226. Harms, L (2010) Understanding human development: a multidimensional approach. Oxford University Press. Miller, F., Osbahr, H., Boyd, E., Thomalla, F., Bharwani, S., Ziervogel, G., †¦ & Nelson, D. (2010). Resilience and vulnerability: complementary or conflicting concepts?. Ecology & society, 15(3). Rosa, E. M., & Tudge, J. (2013). Urie bronfenbrenner’s theory of human development: Its evolution from ecology to bioecology. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 5(4), 243-258. doi: Shaffer, D., & Kipp, K. (2006). Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Cengage Learning Swick, K. J., & Williams, R. D. (2006). An analysis of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological perspective for early childhood educators: Implications for working with families experiencing stress. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(5), 371-378. Tudge, J., Gray, J., & Hogan, D. M. (1997). Ecological perspectives in human development: A comparison of Gibson and Bronfenbrenner. Comparisons in human development: Understanding time and context, 72-105.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Essay

Carlo asserts â€Å"War is a wonderful thing, in movies and in books.† By close reference to the novel, explore how war shows people at their worst and their best. The novel Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, written by Louis De Bernieres in 1994, explores â€Å"humanity; we sigh at their suffering as they are ripped apart and forever changed by war.†1 The quotation in the title is spoken by Carlo quite early on in the novel, at the end of chapter 15, titled ‘L’Omosessuale (4)’. He is referring to the idea that war is repeatedly shown to be patriotic, heroic, and indeed wonderful especially in film and literature. However, from Carlos’ experiences in Albania, he knows the true reality of war, as he has seen and experienced the suffering. We can trace Carlos’ progression of thought through his personal chapters; all entitled ‘L’Omosessuale’. He begins saying, â€Å"How wonderful it was to be at this war†(p.119) We hear him describe crossing the foreign border as â€Å"exhilarating†, and he and his comrades view themselves as â€Å"the new legionaries of the new empire that would last ten thousand years.†(p.119) This was his view at the very beginning of war, before he had really experienced any suffering. As he is yet to encounter any conflict, it is likely he has been influenced by the propaganda at the time, organised by the Italian leader, Mussolini. The next quotation is said slightly further on during Carlos’ experience, â€Å"How wonderful it was to be at war, until the weather turned against us.†(p.120) It is here that we begin to hear of some of the suffering that Carlo and his comrades had to endure, such as â€Å"we were ten thousand men soaked to the bone†(p.120). The real tragedy of war is death, and Carlo has had direct experience of this. He says, â€Å"War is wonderful until someone is killed†(p.122). This is when De Bernieres chooses to use graphic images to show the suffering that Carlo and his comrades endure. â€Å"I realised that I was covered with gory scraps of human flesh that were freezing fast to my uniform†(p.122). Finally, Carlo says the quotation in the title, â€Å"War is a wonderful thing, in movies and in books† on page 124. It is here that Carlo has realised the actuality of war, and can see that this idealised version is fictitious and can only be seen in movie and in books. â€Å"War scorches a trail through all of their lives. What seems, at the beginning of the novel, like a game, a challenge to manhood, a matter of honour, an occasion for political satire, becomes an appalling reality.2 Carlo asserts that war is shown to be wonderful in movies and in books. However, De Bernieres does not follow this trend, and shows the war for what it is. De Bernieres’ characters starve and die slowly with their entrails hanging out; he depicts the horror that they have to endure to fight for their country, and the suffering that they are put through. In Albania, Carlo says â€Å"It was as though a portion of my mind has disappeared, or as though my soul had diminished to a tiny point of grey light†(p.138). De Bernieres also shows the gore and bloodshed caused by the war, when he describes the death of Francesco. In chapter 19, L’Omosessuale (6), De Bernieres uses Carlo’s narrative to tell the reader the true details of Francesco’s death, and then the sanitised version for his mother. As well as this showing Carlos’ considerate nature, it also confirms that many people did view the war in a very different light from its reality, including Francesco’s mother. â€Å"He died on a fine day, Signora, with the sun shining and the birds singing.† â€Å"(He died on a day when the snow was melting and when, beneath that carapace, there were emerging a thousand corpses, knapsacks, rusted riffles, water bottles, illegible unfinished letters drenched in blood)† (p.148). Corelli wrote the novel, after falling in love with the Island of Cephallonia, and wanting to inform readers about what happened to this Island during World War II. For this reason, he has depicted a very real and veritable account of atrocities that occurred during the Second World War. â€Å"Everyone is shot, without regard for rank or role, even the medics and the chaplains.†3 However, in the film adaptation of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, directed by John Madden, war is viewed in a very different light. De Bernieres has said of the film â€Å"The problem is that film-makers take out all your good ideas and replace them with a load of stupid ones.†4 The depiction of war in the film is very different and many scenes seem to have been â€Å"watered down†5, in order to appeal to far wider audience. The movie has been widely criticised, after changing the story line drastically from a tragic story of the destruction and consequences of war, to a love story between Corelli and Pelagia. â€Å"Where de Bernià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res’ book makes it clear from the start that war is unforgivingly ugly, for a long time the film’s only hint of this is a glimpse of Mandras’s battle-scarred feet.†6 Although much of De Bernieres novel depicts the horror of war, some of the consequences of war are indeed wonderful. Corelli and Pelagia would have never found love without the intervention of war in their lives, and although ultimately war destroys their love, the moments spent together made the war endurable. The prefatory poem at the beginning on the novel shows Louis De Bernieres hinting, even before the novel has begun, that war will be an important theme throughout. ‘The Soldier’ by Humbert Wolfe describes the waste of war, and the loss of lives and of youth. Links are evident between this poem and Captain Corelli’s mandolin as they both explore the way in which war has an effect on different people. The presence of war on the Island of Cephallonia has various effects on different characters and can expose people’s flaws and merits. An excellent example of this is the contrast shown between Mandras and Antonio Corelli. Corelli has been drawn into a war that he really has no heart for. â€Å"You mean you’re a soldier by mistake?† (p. 206, Pelagia). He has no desires to be a soldier and his character is often seen as anti-military. When giving punishments he does not follow the rules that are expected of him, â€Å"To everyone’s surprise the captain pointed his pistol straight into the face of one of the culprits†(p.324). However, although he had no intention of doing so, Corelli proves to be an excellent comrade and shows morality throughout the war. â€Å"This is my morality, I make myself imagine that it is personal†(p.351). This is greatly contrasted with the character of Mandras. He has very high expectations about the life of a soldier and feels he has to prove himself to Pelagia and the rest of the Island. He resents those who know more than him, yet does not want to prove himself intellectually, as he believes â€Å"no man is a man until he has been a soldier†(p.80) Carlos’ assertion that war is wonderful in movies and in books reflects a idealised view of the war. However, Mandras believes that this view was the reality of war and he felt that becoming a soldier would make him more worthy as a man. â€Å"I’ll come back and everyone will say, That’s Mandras, who fought in the war. We owe everything to people like him.† He is indoctrinated by what is expected of him, and is predicted to conform. However high Mandras’ expectations were, the war does not elevate him, it brings him down. During his experiences in war he saw others abuse their power, and now feels he has a right to do the same, The war de-humanises him, and instead of changing him for the better it changes him for the worse. The war in Cephallonia showed the best and the worst in people. In Antonio Corelli’s case it displays his merits as he has the opportunity to exercise his humanity in the treatment of others. From the beginning of the novel, Corelli is represented as a laid-back, light-hearted leader. Although he has a great talent as a leader, he is very modest and introduces Carlo as â€Å"one of our heroes, He has a hundred medals for saving life and none for taking it†(p.202). He proves himself as an excellent comrade and Captain by being faithful to his men until the very end. â€Å"There is no honour in this war, but I have to be with my boys†(p.392). His introduction of La Scala also shows good comradeship, as it is a humorous and practical solution to having to use communal toilets. This is also a crucial element of the novel, as before they go to join the shooting line up, they sing to maintain their composure. He also shows his forgiving nature when he chooses to forgive Gunter for what he has done. â€Å"I forgive you. If I do not, who will?†(p.397). He says of himself â€Å"I am not a natural parasite†(p.305) and this is seen clearly when he avoids any confrontation with Pelagia. He is uncomfortable about living with Pelagia and her father â€Å"Tonight I shall sleep in the yard and tomorrow I shall request alternative accommodation†(p.204). Corelli’s fondness for animals is De Bernieres way of showing positive traits in a character. The fact that Corelli is so attached to Psipsina shows that he is an admirable man and the reader feel connected to him. â€Å"The captain had some engaging traits. He tied a cork to a piece of string, and sprinted about the house with Psipsina in hot pursuit†¦and if the animal happened to be sitting on a piece of music, he would go away and fetch another sheet rather than disturb her†(p.250) Corelli also shows fondness for children in his relationship with Lemoni. Although there is a language barrier, the two are able to communicate on a different level, and are able to enjoy each other’s company. â€Å"The child was whooping and laughing, and it appeared that what was transpiring was a lesson in Italian. ‘Bella fanciulla,’ the captain was saying. He was waiting for Lemoni to repeat it. ‘Bla fanshla,’ she giggled.† (p. 211) He also appears to have a very different attitude than other soldiers, when he arrives in Cephallonia with his mandolin strapped to his back, and not a gun, as you would expect from a soldier. The mandolin â€Å"that was called Antonia because it was the other half of himself.† This love for music is another engaging trait that the captain has, and is one of the reasons Pelagia falls in love with him. We also see this originality to his character when Gunter Weber, a german soldier, introduces himself. Weber says â€Å"Heil Hitler†, yet Corelli says â€Å"Heil Puccini†, showing he has a very different attitude to the war, and will not be led by anyone. This again shows his love for classical music, as Puccini was a great composer, whom Corelli was an admirer of. His relationship with Pelagia is clearly one of great love and admiration, however it also contains sexual desires, which are never consummated. â€Å"Such slender fingers, such pink nails. He imagined them engaged upon amorous and nocturnal things, and realised that he was disturbing Psipsina.†(p.259, Corelli) This shows ongoing respect for Pelagia and her father, and also shows Corelli’s caring and considerate temperament. In contrast to Corelli, the character Mandras is brutalised by war. He believes that war will change him for the better, yet it changes him for the worse. He becomes a victim of propaganda and a victim of his insecurities. Before he leaves for war he tells Pelagia â€Å"I’m a Greek†¦not a Fascist†(p.214) War changes him for the worse as he is very easily led and allows others to influence him. This may have had a positive effect on Mandras if he had chosen Iannis to guide him, yet he chooses Hector, the leader of a branch of the ELAS. Joining this group causes him to abandon his personal values, and this is seen when he whips the old man. â€Å"Mandras did not even notice that the man had stopped moving, had stopped screaming and whining†(p.233). He manages to blank out the emotions that he should be feeling, and begins to enjoy the power he holds over this old man. â€Å"If you didn’t think about what it was, it sounded weirdly beautiful†(p.234) After returning from the war, he becomes much more manipulative, especially towards Pelagia and Drosoula. â€Å"Mandras had begun his exile into inaccessibility by dramatising the idea of death†(p.180). Pelagia was â€Å"convinced that he was doing it on purpose as an act of vengeance or punishment.†(p.180). This shows a very cruel side to Mandras that we have never seen before, and it clearly takes the war to bring out this negative side of his character. He has clearly been indoctrinated by the propaganda of the war, and this is seen in chapter 63, when he recites communist slogans. â€Å"The party is never wrong. Whoever is not with us is against us†(p.447) He does not seem to be questioning what he has been told, he just repeats it. He has experienced others abusing their power during his time with the ELAS and now sees this as an approved way of behaving. â€Å"De Bernià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res explores power and its abuse†7 He insults and belittles Pelagia after he returns from fighting and tortures her further, even though he should see that she has suffered enough during the war. De Bernieres shows a side to Mandras that readers have never seen before. He represents him as evil and sadistic, and we see Mandras refer to Pelagia as a â€Å"slut†. His morals have disintegrated following his fighting with the ELAS, and feels that he can do whatever he wants. This is due to the fact that the ELAS would make up their own rules for their comrades to follow. The war de-humanises Mandras and he represents the damage that can be inflicted by extreme politics. In Mandras’ death, De Bernieres wants readers to feel pity for him, as it is clear the communist party has seriously indoctrinated him. He dies as a victim of the war, and a desire to prove himself worthy, and this also evokes compassion in the reader Carlo is a character in the novel who shows how war can bring out the best in people. He is a very honourable character, and has to live with the secret that he is homosexual. He puts aside his desire for Corelli in order to help the romance between Pelagia and Corelli develop. â€Å"I have loved you with the same surprise and gratitude that I see in your own eyes when you are with Pelagia†(p.384). He shows true bravery in front of the firing squad when stepping in front of Corelli to save his life. â€Å"Antonio Corelli†¦had found in front of him the titanic bulk of Carlo Guercio†(p.399). De Bernieres uses Carlo’s narrative in the chapters entitled L’Omosessuale, and this allows the readers to sympathise further with the silent suffering that Carlo has to endure during the war. His writings are eloquently written and his language is poetic and beautiful, showing the gentle side to his character. â€Å"He died on a fine day, Signora, with the sun shining and the birds singing.†(P.148, Carlo) â€Å"Father Arsenios was saved by the war†(p.292). De Bernieres absolves Arsenios after the war and liberates him from his former self. However, the characters perceive him as a mad man and cannot see that war has brought about his finest hour. He is referred to as the â€Å"crazy priest† yet he feels he is a saviour and â€Å"it is probable that, had he lived, Arsenios might have become a saint†(p.295). De Bernieres chooses to depict war in a graphic and realistic light in his novel, Captain Corelli’s Mandolin. Although in many films or books war is shown to be wonderful, this idealised version is proved wrong in De Bernieres novel, as he shows the suffering that the soldiers were forced to endure. He shows that the war has different effects on different people, and it can expose their faults or their merits. Mandras is forever changed by the war, as he returns indoctrinated by the communist party. His death proves that his natural environment is the sea, where he can be accepted and does not have to prove himself. In contrast Corelli’s merits are shown to be more prominent as the war develops, and also as his love for Pelagia develops. The reader is drawn to the character of Corelli, even though he is an occupying soldier, as he shows compassion, kindness and respect during his time in Cephallonia.

Monday, July 29, 2019

EXCHANGE RATE REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EXCHANGE RATE REPORT - Essay Example America’s economy is largely service based, and its currency generally strengthens when the economic activity in the country is strong. If economic activity slows, dollar weakens. Compare to USA, the economy of the European Union which represents euro focuses more on manufacturing sector which represents a greater percentage of GDP. Euro strengthens when the economic activity in the European Union is strong, and weakens when the economic activity slows. It also weakens if disagreements arise regarding monetary policies among the members of the European Union (â€Å"CURRENCY: USDEUR’’). From many decades US dollar is serving as a major international reserve currency and is one of the major reasons of the status of the United States as a global super power. But, in recent years it faced increasing pressure from European currency, euro. In its early days of introduction, the euro remained weaker than the dollar. Later it shows a stable upward trend and getting stronger against dollar. But, from the last one month US dollar is getting stronger against euro. On December 24th exchange rate of 1 US dollar was 0.763417 euro. On 23rd exchange rate of 1 dollar was 0.765462, and on November 25th, it was 0.750694 euro. On November one, exchange rate of 1 US dollar was 0.718081 euro. If we take the trend of exchange rate for the last one month, we can notice that US dollar is getting stronger against euro on the average basis (â€Å"CURRENCY: USDEUR’’). Many factors played their role in the strengthening of US dollar against euro since last one month. From the past few months U.S economy is growing faster as the investors considered USA as a safe haven for their investment. Demand increased for dollar exports contribute to strengthen dollar. On December 16th, the USA central bank cut interest rates to an all time low, a move aimed at reassuring financial markets and stimulating banks to lend money. American dollar is the currency

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Our town Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Our town - Essay Example In the play, a man is actually showing the viewer around. Like a guide, he takes the viewers to different parts of the town and introduces them to different characters. As the story proceeds, the viewer is introduced to side characters, the milk man, the newspaper boy, the church people and the local doctor. These may be side characters but they play an important role in presenting the habits and life style of people in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The hero of the play, George is seventeen years old when he decides to become a farmer. The heroine, Emily is deeply in love with George and doesn’t want to part from him for three years even if it is for his farming education. They decide to get married. The marriage scene itself is very significant. In form of vocal self addresses, it portrays the feelings of the bride and groom, their parents and even the wedding priest regarding marriage. Sometime later, when the couple becomes pregnant and Emily is in anesthesia during the delivery, she has a dream, or more likely a vision, in which she sees her own funeral. The dream is important since it conveys an emotional message, therefore it is described below: Emily sees herself after death, standing among many dead relatives of her and George. She wants to go back to life and doesn’t want to die. She gets a last chance to view her past. She chooses a day of her life that was her sixteenth birthday. While viewing the happenings of that day, she realizes so many things that she had been ignoring in life. For instance she realizes that she never really noticed how young and beautiful her mother was, or how concerned her parents were for the children etc. she delivers the dialogue co ntaining this lesson aloud and then wakes up from the dream. The play ends with the guide taking the viewer to

Micosoft in Europe-The Real Stakes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Micosoft in Europe-The Real Stakes - Essay Example As with any large firm there are likely a number of legal issues that a company can face. In the original â€Å"European Union vs. Microsoft† case was originally stemmed from a complaint by Novell regarding the company’s licensing practices. The ultimate original decision was that Microsoft was ordered by the European Commission of the EU to divulge some information in its server products and for the company to re-release its Windows operating system without a mandatory Windows Media Player application. Strengths and Weaknesses within Microsoft: For this section of the paper two of the four components of as SWOT Analysis in which the simple strengths and weaknesses of the firm will be covered. From information presented in the case it has become clear that Microsoft has the financial means to sustain the direct financial costs associated with the European Union upholding the original decision of the case. As it is the case that Microsoft still controls a substantial portion of the operating system and office suite market for personal computers at 93% and 97% respectively. If the company was forced to divulge a significant portion of their strategic competencies it can be that the firm has the human capital to create new strategic advantages. Furthermore if the firm produces a new operating system every couple of years it would only be a matter of time before a new method gaining increased market-share can be implemented Opportunities and Threats: Although this paper will cover both opportunities and threats, as highlighted in chapter 4 of our course textbook a Porter’s (1979) Five Forces model will also be used. In terms of opportunities, in the case study it was not presented that customers were angry with Microsoft rather it is their competitors. As such one could conclude that there is still marketability of their product offerings even if the courts were to rule against them. Whilst it

Saturday, July 27, 2019

CRJS 205 Introduction to Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

CRJS 205 Introduction to Criminal Law - Essay Example Having difference remedies in civil and criminal cases implies different penalties for prospective offenders. In civil cases, a defendant who loses a case if immune from incarceration or a jail sentence as compared to losers in criminal cases. In general, a defendant in a civil case is only required by law to pay compensation to any losses incurred by the plaintiff (Standler, web). Punishments offered by at the civil and criminal level for a similar case should not correlate in any way. The main reason why the two punishments should not correlate is that civil litigations are aimed at restoring the plaintiff to the initial financial position while criminal punishment offers emotional consolation and therefore the two remedies are not related or equivalent. Secondly, in criminal cases the state bears the burden of proof while a plaintiff shoulders the burden of proof in civil cases and the two have different capabilities (Standler, web). Finally civil cases corporate as the defendant while criminal cases have individuals as the defendant therefore available punishments will have different effects on the two

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organizational strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational strategy - Essay Example Strategic information technology outlines a company’s mission objectives and goals. On the other hand, it implies that information technology changes how a company competes in the industry. Competent organizational strategy facilitates a company to create an organization efficient of delivering its oversight. Charlesmore Partners International (2008) asserts that it needs a combination of analyzing and thinking by comparing the state at which the company is at the moment, to a desired state and analyzes the gap, and capabilities to execute which make the changes to happen. Key purposes include: The prorogated structure of the company which shows the reach extensions, re configurations and strategic correlation that are required to deliver the adopted strategy. The new skills and potentials needed, knowing how they will influence workforce combination, talent possession and advancement needs; which serviceable capability advancement will be all-important. The necessary talent management practice to form a high achievable workforce. It shows the adjustments needed to design a climate that enlivens and retains the whole organization for peak execution. The business operating culture which shows how it might require changing the value program and performing style needed. The work results required and a way of attaining them. The decided combination and fit of all operating actions to give an assurance of total enterprise adjustment to the purpose of attaining it.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business and Society. Business Ethics. Application of ethical theory Essay

Business and Society. Business Ethics. Application of ethical theory to a case study - Essay Example Moreover, the analysis will consider the ways in which this particular author might have handled the situation better as well as a final judgment over whether or not Tom ultimately did the ethical good or bad in the given situation. With regards to the stakeholders within this specific case that has been listed, there are three. Firstly, there is Tom, the graphic artist working on a tight deadline at the heart of the ethical conflict. Tom represents that only individual within the case, who is faced with an ethical dilemma. The second shareholder is that of Nina, the Internet blogger whose content was unwittingly downloaded and copied by Tom in an attempt to meet the deadline he had with the supermarket chain. Lastly, the supermarket chain itself represents the third and final shareholder within this particular ethical case. Naturally, with regards to this particular case, the key ethical consideration at hand is whether or not Tom has acted ethically with relation to borrowing Ninaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s content without permission and passing it off as his own in an effort to appease his distributor. The case is somewhat compounded and complicated by the fact that initially Tom wished to do the right thing and contacted Nina with regards to her permission to use aspects of her artwork in finalizing his own project. However, as the deadline loomed closer and closer and Tom did not have the wherewithal to finish the project under his own power, he was seemingly ‘forced’ to proceed on with Nina’s design without ever hearing back regarding her confirmation on his ability to borrow key aspects of her own ideas. The issue, therefore, extends well beyond legalities and whether or not Nina’s artwork exhibited on her blog was available to Tom under the fair use clause of the law; rather, ethically speaking, the question centres upon whether or not Tom had the ethical right to borrow Nina’s artwork without her confirmation, whether it was ethical of Tom to pass this artwork along unattributed, and the degree and extent to which he had a moral and ethical obligation to his employer to produce genuine and original work to fulfil the order (Cuilla 2011, p. 340). With regards to evaluating this case using two ethical theories that have thus far been discussed within the confines of this course, it is the belief of this student that the two ethical theories that best apply to the given case in point are those of the ethics of rights and postmodern ethics. With regards to the ethics of rights, one can see quite plainly and fairly readily that the ultimate issue at the heart of the matter is whether or not Tom has the right to the material that he has borrowed/stolen without the consent of the original artists. In this sense, the theory of rights denotes that the following questions must be answered if an ethical decision is to result: whose rights are at stake, what are the corresponding obligations, and how should these rights be ra nked? With regards to the first one, the right of Nina as well as the rights of the supermarket are at stake. The rights of Nina relate, of course, to her right as the original artist to be secure in the fact that no one else is duplicating or passing off their own work as hers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Commercial law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Commercial law - Essay Example Lord Atkin asserted that a manufacturer owed a legal duty of care to the ultimate consumer of his product. In discussing duty of care as a legal concept, Lord Atkin established the â€Å"neighbour† principle. Furthermore, in the case of in the Bolton v Stone2 the House of Lords held that whilst foreseeability was relevant to the issue of whether as duty of care exists, once established the issue of breach was ultimately dependant on the reasonableness of the defendant’s actions. In order for a manufacturer to be liable in negligence there has to be proximity and the case of Anns v Merton London Borough3 asserted that the proximity test relies on a consideration of the nature of the relationship between the parties. Once duty of care has been established, a claimant has to establish that the manufacturer’s breach of duty caused actionable damage. The standard of care imposed by law in order to determine a breach of duty is objective and that of â€Å"the reasonable and prudent man4†. The degree of care to be expected is founded on considering what a reasonable man, careful for the safety of his neighbour would do and requires a consideration of the degree of the likelihood of harm occurring, the cost and practicability of measures needed to avoid it and the seriousness of the consequences5. The preliminary test for determining causation is the â€Å"but-for† test and whether the claimant would not have suffered the damage â€Å"but-for† B’s negligence6. Moreover, the Wagon Mound No.17 decision asserted that a defendant is only liable to pay damages if the damage was reasonably foreseeable and not too remote. The primary legislative measures pertaining to manufacturer liability are governed by the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended (TPA), which implies certain rights and warranties into commercial contracts and consumer sales agreements. The TPA

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Diel Oxygen Measurements Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Diel Oxygen Measurements - Lab Report Example The water may be used in anthropogenic activity such as cooking and laundry. Measurement of diel changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations of freshwater systems is a widely accepted method of examining its productivity. It measures the dissolved oxygen concentrations twice a day (sunrise and sunset) to determine the gross productivity and respiration of the system (Van de Bogert, 2007). This is based on the carbon dioxide-acquiring and oxygen-producing photosynthesis, as well as the carbon dioxide-producing and oxygen-acquiring respiration. It is thus to be expected that the oxygen is highest during the sunset because the sunlight-requiring photosynthesis happened during the day, and lowest during the sunrise because photosynthesis does not occur to offset respiration (Hansom et al., 2003). In this light we may also expect that the surface is more productive at the bottom than at the surface, because it is more difficult for sunrays to hit deeper areas of the water. The objective of this experiment was to measure the productivity of aquatic systems in San Joaquin Marsh. Specifically, the researchers aimed to measured the dissolved oxygen concentration on the bottom and surface of the marsh, to calculate the productivity/respiratory ratio, and to assess whether the surface and bottom are autotrophic (productivity/respiratory > 1), or heterotrophic (productivity/respiratory Dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured at the surface and bottom of 8 different ponds on the site from Monday, 6:00 am sunrise and 7:45 pm sunset, to Tuesday, 6: 00 am sunrise. After data gathering, productivity/respiratory ratios were calculated as

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Catcher and the Rye Essay Example for Free

The Catcher and the Rye Essay The Biographical Lens applied to The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger expresses his view of society in his novel, The Catch in the Rye. His viewpoints are seen in the book through the eyes of young Holden Caulfield. This novel demonstrates modern-day dilemmas and complications that teenagers confront in life. Throughout this novel, Holden Caufield, the protagonist shows signs of clinical depression mourning over the death of his younger brother Allie which caused him to have a slight case of Tropophobia. There are many instances that sustain evidence against Holden Caufield’s depression which expose his continuous thoughts of suicide, his choice of withdrawal from society, and his incapability of viewing the beneficial aspects in life rather than the imperfect. Holden is convinced that society is full of â€Å"phonies† and nothing else, that all people have a side in which they should not be proud of, expect the younger generation, whom are completely innocent. Tropophobia, is a global issue where people who suffer from it have the fear of changes. Tropophobia is caused by severe trauma that is somehow linked to sudden changes. Holden has a slight case of this illness, caused by the death of his younger brother, Allie. This would explain the reason that Holden loves the Museum. Holden loves it because it never changes, it’s always the same and is always predictable. Holden Caufield demonstrates that he has continuous thoughts of suicide in the novel â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†. Holden shows symptoms of depression by giving up when life confronts him with a problem. There are two examples that express’ Holden’s feelings towards death that are exhibited in this novel. A major conflict in this story is when Holden and his roommate get into a dispute. Holden mourns while looking out the window and says â€Å"I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead† (page 48, chapter 7). This displays Holden’s suicidal thoughts when faced with a setback. Another instance that express’ Holden’s suicidal thoughts are viewed during a conflict with Maurice (a pimp in the hotel). Holden Caufield is afflicted by Maurice and entertains the thought of ending his life. â€Å"What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window.†(Page 104, chapter 14). As al ways, when problems arise, Holden seems incapable of resolving them and reasons the alternative of ending his life. This is revealed as a symptom of clinical depression. Holden Caufield also decides to withdraw himself from society. Holden makes this evident in multiple times throughout the novel. He chooses to outcast himself from his peers, family and from society. He demonstrates this aspect when he abruptly asks Sally to move to Massachusetts, â€Å" How would you like to get the hell out of here?What we could do is, tomorrow morning we could drive up to Massachusetts and Vermont, and all around there, see.†(Page 132, chapter 17). Holden chooses to withdraw himself from his peers and family to live alone and start over in an unfamiliar place. He wants to forget about all he ever knew (New York) and start over; his way of escaping his depressed and lonely surrounding. He displays this aspect once again when he intends to escape out west and live in a cabin away from society. He makes the decision to isolate himself from everyone he knows: â€Å"What I’d do, I figured, I’d go down to the Holland Tunnel and bum a ride, and then id bum another one, and another one, and another one, and in a few days I’d be somewhere out West where it was sunny and where nobody’d know me and id get a job.†(Page 198, chapter 25) He wants to completely isolate himself and extract from others: â€Å"I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn’t have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody.†(Page 198, chapter 25). He desires to extort himself from civilization. Holden caufield is incapable of recognizing the beneficial aspects in life rather than the imperfect. Holden doesn’t see the positive qualities in people and views the negative. He calls others (including his peers and family) â€Å"phonies†. There are many moments throughout the novel where Holden is judgmental regarding people he’s never encountered before. He claims that they’re deceiving and â€Å"phony† when he hardly knows them. For instance, before Holden Caufield encounters Sally’s friend at the play (â€Å"strictly ivy league†, page 127, chapter 17) he says â€Å"Then all of a sudden, she saw some jerk she knew on the other side of the lobby† (Page 127, chapter 17). Holden calls Sally’s friend a jerk before he even meets him, as he contemplates negative thoughts from the commencement of things. Additionally, Holden calls a considerate and thoughtful teacher by the name of Mr. Spencer, deceptive: â€Å"Even the couple of nice teachers on the faculty, they were phonies, too†¦There was this one old guy, Mr. Spencer.† (page 168, chapter 22) Mr. Spencer is extremely considerate and concerning towards Holden; when he invites him over to his house to say good-bye: â€Å"I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you, if I can.†(Page 14, chapter 2). He calls many things around him phony, these phony things are usually things he relates to adulthood. Not only does Holden fear adulthood himself, but he also wants to save others from becoming adults. As he explains about his dream job that Holden’s only place in life is to catch kids who fall from the rye. J.D. Salinger uses the term falling because falling into or towards something is usually used in a negative aspect. Holden is a depressed character; he reveals the negative traits of people fr om the beginning, instead of admiring the respectable qualities they have. J. D. Salinger uses symbolism in several occasions, he shows Holden’s curiosity about the ducks in the lagoon. Holden doesn’t understand how the ducks are so adequate with change while he fears it so much. The author also mentions the strangeness of Holden’s hat, this represents his uniqueness and how he doesn’t want to become like other people, like adults. The red hunting hat is also symbolic in the way that both Allie’s and Phoebe’s hair is red, this represents how Holden wants to be like them; the fact that they are both young and innocent attracts Holden to want to be like them. The protagonist in J.D Salinger’s novel â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†, Holden Caufield is portrayed as a clinically depressed character. He is suicidal, constantly contemplating negative thoughts, and isolates himself from civilization. It is revealed that depression amongst youth is not easily overcome as is the grieving process of progressing after a significant loss in their life. Bibliography Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. Print.

Transition to adulthood Essay Example for Free

Transition to adulthood Essay This article was full of information in the transition to adulthood. It begins with a history of becoming an adult. This article takes you through comparisons of the statistics from the past to now. This article gives you an idea on the difference between race and ethnic backgrounds. It also provides support for its findings. What I found interesting in this article is that back in the day, which young people viewed adulthood as a requirement at an early age. Nowadays young people are taking a lot longer to transition to adulthood, they are completing college and finding careers, I think is a great thing. Children need to focus on their education and the opposite sex. I think it is important for young men and women to have a plan of action about where their life is headed. I think today we are more thinkers then doers, I think we are looking into the long-term affect more now. This also gave me statics on when the kids become independent, the past versus present, male, female, and race. I choose this article because I have a step son in the military; this article gave me ideas on how fast they are required to step into adulthood. It was interesting to discover the difference between the age groups, races and what programs they are involved in. If I had to write a research paper this would be the article I would use. This is an interesting topic that I think I could take further. After reviewing this article I feel this is a creditable source, it has supporting facts and documentation to back up its findings, reads well the flow is right. This was definitely a very informative piece of work and you can tell the author spent their time and effort on this as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Operating Systems Information Technology Essay Level of involvement is one of the characteristic of honeypot and this level of involvement is used to measure the degree of interaction of the attacker with the operating system. Commonly a low-involvement honeypot will provide certain fake services [Spi01] and these services can only be implemented if somebody listen on a specific port. It is not possible to catch complex protocols communication with such a simple solution. An SMTP handshake will not give much useful information because an answering service is not listening. On a low-involvement honeypot there is no real operating system on which the attacker can operate and this will minimize the risk as there will be no complexity of the operating system. This is a disadvantage as it is not possible to watch an attacker interacting with the operating system. Role of this low-involvement honeypot is very passive as it is like a one-way connection in which we can only listen, but we do not ask questions ourselves. Figure 5.1: Low-involvement honeypot: A low-involvement honeypot does reduce risk to a minimum by minimizing interaction with the attacker Both low-level involvement honeypot and passive IDS are comparable as both the systems will not alter any traffic or interact with the attacker or the traffic flow. If the incoming packets match their patterns they are used to create logs and alerts. 5.1.2 Mid-involvement Honeypot A mid-involvement honeypot provides more interaction, but doesnt provide a real operating system. The fake daemons have deeper knowledge about the particular services they provide and are complicated. And risk will also increase. As the complexity of the honeypot increases the probability of the attacker to find the security hole or vulnerability is getting bigger. As there are no boundaries for the security and logging mechanisms built for this kind of events, a compromise of this system is still unlikely and certainly no goal. In the higher level of interaction, there is a possibility of more complex attacks and can be logged and analyzed. In general, the attacker has more possibilities to interact and probe the system and gets a better illusion of a real operating system. It is complex and time consuming for developing a mid-involvement honeypot and special care has to be taken for checking the security as all developed fake daemons must be as secure as possible. The developed versions must be very secure than their real counterparts, because this is the main reason to substitute these with fake variants. As each protocol and service must be understood in detail the knowledge for developing such a system must be very high. Figure 5.2: Mid-involvement honeypot: A mid-involvement honeypot does interact with the user in a minimal way 5.1.3 High-involvement Honeypot A high-involvement honeypot consists of an operating system and this leads to a much higher risk as the complexity increases and also at the same time, the possibility for gathering information, the possible attacks and the attractiveness increases a lot. One of the goal of the hacker is to gain root and to have the access to a shell,connected to the Internet 24/7. Such an environment is offered by high-involvement honeypot. As soon as a hacker gains the access, his real work and the interesting part begins. To get this level of freedom the attacker has to compromise the system, and then he will have the root rights on the system and can do everything at any instance on the compromised system. According to se, this system is not secure and even the whole machine cannot be considered as secure. This doesnot matter if he is in a sandbox, in a jail or a VMW box as there can be ways to get out of these software boundaries. Figure 5.3: High-involvement honeypot: A high-involvement honeypot has great risk as the attacker can compromise the system and use all its resources. This honeypot is very time consuming and the system should be kept under observation most of the time. If a honeypot is not under control then it is not of much help and it can become a danger or security hole itself. As the honeypot can be used by the blackhats as if its a real compromised system,it is very important to limit a honeypots access to the local intranet. As the danger once a system is fully compromised can b e reduced, limiting outbound traffic is also an important point to consider. If a full operating system is provided to the attacker, he can upload and install new files. As all actions can be recorded and analyzed, here a high-involvement honeypot can show its strength. One of the main goals of a high-involvement honeypot is to gather new information about the blackhat community and legitimates the higher risk. 5.1.4 Overview There are advantages and disadvantages of each level of involvement. Table 5.1: Overview of each level of Involvement advantages and disadvantages The danger is reduced as much as possible by choosing the lowest as possible risk honeypot. While choosing a honeypot and its level of involvement the required maintenance time must be considered. Honeynets are another possible honeypot architecture. 5.2 HONEYNETS NETWORK TOPOLOGIES Here the discussion is regarding the placement of honeypots in a network and a special, more complex version of honeypots which can also be called as honeynet. 5.2.1 Honeypot Location A honeypot does not require a specific environment to live as it is a standard server with no special needs. A honeypot can be placed anywhere a server is placed but some places are better for some approaches than others. Based on the service required, honeypot can be used on the internet as well as on the intranet. If the detection of some bad guys in a private network had wished it would be better to place a honeypot on the intranet which can be useful. Since this system can easily be compromised without immediate knowledge, it is important to set the internal thrust for a honeypot as low as possible. A honeypot can be placed at two locations with Internet as the main concern:  · In front of the firewall  · Behind the firewall (intranet) There are advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Because of the fact that placing a server in front of a firewall is simply not possible or not wished it is sometimes even impossible to choose freely. In Front of the Firewall The risk for the internal network does not increase by placing the honeypot in front of a firewall. Behind the firewall the danger of having a compromised system is eliminated. This can be a problem if no additional firewalls are being used to shield some resources or if the IP is used for the purpose of authentication. A lot of unwished traffic like portscans or attack patterns will be attracted and generated by a honeypot and by placing a honeypot outside the firewall such events does not get logged by the firewall and an internal IDS system will not generate alerts. Or else, lot of alerts will be generated on the firewall or IDS. The biggest advantage of the firewall or IDS and any other resources, is that they need not be adjusted as the honeypot is outside the firewall and viewed as any other machine on the external network. Therefore if a honeypot is running it will not increase the risk of the internal network nor does it introduce new risks. If the honeypot is placed in front of the firewall then internal attackers cannot be located or trapped that easy, particularly if the firewall limits outbound traffic and therefore limits the traffic to the honeypot. Behind the Firewall New security risks to the internal network can be introduced by a honeypot behind the firewall, in particular if the internal network is not secured against the honeypot through additional firewalls. A honeypot provides a lot of services; most of them are not used as exported services to the Internet and are blocked by the firewall. It is inevitable to adjust the firewall rules and also the IDS signatures by placing the honeypot behind the firewall, as it can be wished not to generate an alert every time the honeypot is attacked or scanned. If internal honeypot is compromised by an external attacker the biggest problem will arise. He can then access the internal network through the honeypot. This traffic will not be stopped by the firewall as it is regarded as traffic to the honeypot only, which in turn is granted. It is mandatory for securing an internal honeypot, in particular if it is a high-involvement honeypot. The main reason for placing a honeypot behind a firewall is to detect internal attackers. By making use of the internal honeypot it is possible to detect a mis-configured firewall. It is not possible to place a honeypot in front of a firewall sometimes because no external IPs are available nor access to the network in front of the firewall is possible. 5.2.2 Honeynets A honeypot is a single machine which is used for running multiple virtual operating systems. As the traffic goes directly on to the network it is not possible to control the outbound traffic. Preliminary firewall can be used to limit outbound traffic. Such a complex environment is honeynet. Multiple honeypots and a firewall (or firewalled-bridge) to limit and log network traffic is contained by a typical honeynet. To watch the potential attacks and decode and store network traffic on the preliminary system an IDS can be used. Figure 5.5: Different types of honeypot topologies: Simple honeypot, honeynet and a virtual honeynet If a firewall is placed in front of a honeypot (or multiple honeypots) the risk based on the honeypot can be reduced. Both the inbound as well as the outbound connections can be controlled; it is possible to control the network flow. As logging of network traffic can be done on one centralized location for all honeypots it is very easy. The data that is captured need not be placed on the honeypot itself and the risk of this data detection by an attacker is eliminated. More hardware is required by introducing new machines to the honeypot itself. Only one machine solution is thinkable. It is possible to set up multiple virtual systems on a physical machine by making use of Virtualization software. By this attempt, a firewall can also be placed on the same machine as all virtual honeypots but the security of this solution is not that good compared to different physical machines. If the honeynet is a virtual environment, the attacker could be able to break out of the virtual machine and the system could be compromised. As the attacker cannot see the bridge it is safe to place the bridge with firewall capabilities in front of a honeypot. As the bridge has no IP it is not possible to attack the bridge and therefore no attack point exists. There is complexity of the environment raised when additional hardware is introduced. In order to provide best security networking and associated tools must be understood.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

EMERSON :: essays research papers

â€Å"Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other.† Although written long ago these words by, Ralph Waldo Emerson still hold true today. Everyday in society people are making improvements, however, but these improvements also have equal drawbacks. Today we are using cutting edge technology to improve every aspect of our daily lives. For instance in today’s society the fields of Communication and Medicine are constantly advancing yet they both create significant losses. Technology has helped increase the speed of communication and decrease its cost. However, at the same time it has caused people to become more impersonal with each other. In earlier times the major form of communication was for people to visit each other and go to public meeting places. One of the next major advances was the telephone. Due to the telephone people no longer went to the public meeting places as often as they used to. As time goes on, new advances still allow people to contact and communicate with each other more easily. These advances such as faxes, beepers, and electronic mail, although seemingly making life easier, each help to decrease the earlier forms of communication. The field of medicine, like the field communication, also displays what Emerson was trying to say. This field too, which had many advances, has also caused many difficulties. As scientists and doctors try to come up with cures for the many diseases we have today, they are also making new ones. For example, when scientists went to Africa in search of a cure for a disease, they came back with monkeys that were contaminated with the Emboli virus. Today in Russia there are military bases where Russian scientists are creating thousands of germs and viruses to use in germ warfare. These germs and viruses are EMERSON :: essays research papers â€Å"Society never advances. It recedes as fast on one side as it gains on the other.† Although written long ago these words by, Ralph Waldo Emerson still hold true today. Everyday in society people are making improvements, however, but these improvements also have equal drawbacks. Today we are using cutting edge technology to improve every aspect of our daily lives. For instance in today’s society the fields of Communication and Medicine are constantly advancing yet they both create significant losses. Technology has helped increase the speed of communication and decrease its cost. However, at the same time it has caused people to become more impersonal with each other. In earlier times the major form of communication was for people to visit each other and go to public meeting places. One of the next major advances was the telephone. Due to the telephone people no longer went to the public meeting places as often as they used to. As time goes on, new advances still allow people to contact and communicate with each other more easily. These advances such as faxes, beepers, and electronic mail, although seemingly making life easier, each help to decrease the earlier forms of communication. The field of medicine, like the field communication, also displays what Emerson was trying to say. This field too, which had many advances, has also caused many difficulties. As scientists and doctors try to come up with cures for the many diseases we have today, they are also making new ones. For example, when scientists went to Africa in search of a cure for a disease, they came back with monkeys that were contaminated with the Emboli virus. Today in Russia there are military bases where Russian scientists are creating thousands of germs and viruses to use in germ warfare. These germs and viruses are

Comparing HD-DVD and Blu-ray Technology Essay example -- Compare Contr

Comparing HD-DVD and Blu-ray Since 1997, DVD has been the #1 top selling format for home entertainment, crushing VHS within a five year time frame. But technology is forever changing and it’s only a matter of time before DVD’s go the way of VHS. With two new formats (High Definition-DVD and Blu-ray) on the horizon, which one will win the race? Both formats use blue laser technology, which has a shorter wavelength than red (DVD), allowing it to read the smaller digital data "spots" packed a lot more densely onto a standard-size disc. In other words, they hold a lot more memory than your standard DVD’s. â€Å"The comparison chart shows that HD-DVD and Blu-ray disks will be pretty similar. Both should be able to fit a high definition movie onto one side of one disk, and both HD-DVD and Blu-ray players will play old DVD movies.†(Boutin, Paul) it’s still too early to call the race with both technologies about a year away, but my money is on Blu-ray.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  HD-DVD is more user friendly in terms of its name, with the title holding a name closer to DVD. (Carnoy, David) â€Å"Toshiba, NEC, and a couple of other upstarts will be pushing for HD-DVD.† HD-DVD is capable of holding 30GB or a full-length high-definition movie, plus extras, on a prerecorded double-layer disc (compare that to today's limit of 9GB for standard double-layer DVDs). Plus the cost of making a HD-DVD is on par with the cost of today’s DVD’s, making it a smoother transition for the big companies to deal with. Toshib...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Student Discipline Strategies for Teachers: Analisis of Case Studies Es

SCENARIO 1 In scenario 1, Miss Anita is using the Canter’s Assertive Discipline Model to overcome the misbehaviour of her students. She gave warning to her students who are talking and to the boy who gave the answers to the students who had been called to answer. Miss Anita threatened two boys with detention after they commit misbehaviour of shooting the paper balls into the trash. Other than that, Miss Anita punished one of the students who making faces and causing other students to laugh by applying the Skinner’s Model of Behaviour Modification. She applies the technique by isolating the student away from her friends. However, it seems that Miss Anita’s initiatives to halt the misbehaviour by her students are ineffective. Ineffective teachers only attempt to discipline their students with threats and punishments rather than laying a foundation with effective procedures for the learning environment (Frei, 2007). From my opinion, the misbehaviour Based on the scenario giv en, Miss Anita only focusing on giving threat and punishment without setting a clear set of rules on what are the things the students can do and cannot do in the classroom as well as the rationale of setting up that rules and the reason why they cannot misbehave in the classroom. Other than that, she did not apply the Canter’s Assertive Discipline Model in the right way as she only warning the students who misbehave in the classroom without a proper action to stop the misbehaviour. SCENARIO 2 Next in scenario 2, Mr. Andy has to cope with two of his students who are Danish and Ani. In settling with Danish problem which are, always having difficulty to focus on completing his task, Mr. Andy use the strategy of Kounin’s Group Management Model. Accordi... ... A. (2011). Instructional Strategies for Middle and Secondary Social Studies: Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management. New York: Routledge. Morgan , N. (2009). Quick, Easy and Effective Behaviour Management Ideas for the Classroom. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Parker, H. C. (2014). The ADD Hyperactivity Handbook For Schools. New York: Routledge. Savage, T. V. & Savage, M. K. (2009). Successful Classroom Management and Discipline: Teaching Self-Control and Responsibility. California: SAGE Publications. Skinner, B. F. (2002). Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Indiana: Hackett Publishing. Taylor, G. R. (2004). Practical Application of Classroom Management Theories Into Strategies. Maryland: University Press of America. Yisrael, S. (2012). Classroom Management: A Guide for Urban School Teachers. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fighting, Ruben Wolfe

Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak Fighting Ruben Wolfe is just a novel about teenage boys fighting. Discuss. Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak is not just about teenage boys fighting. It is also about two teenagers growing up with their family facing financial issues and about family relationships. Family in Fighting Ruben Wolfe is shown by the family being brought closer together, but they struggle because the father is currently unemployed and the mother is working two jobs, so it feels like the parents aren’t for their children as much as they were before Mr Wolfe’s accident.Mr and Mrs Wolfe are stressed because they can’t pay all the bills and as a result they can’t look after their children as well as they used to. At the beginning of the book, Sarah comes home drunk and Cameron and Ruben are at the dog track a lot. Once the boys started fighting, Mr and Mrs Wolfe don’t notice the bruises on the boys. These problems for the Wolfe family c learly show that Fighting Ruben Wolfe is just as much about family as fighting. It also shows that the family are facing financial issues. Financial issues in Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak are shown by family having very little money.They have hardly any money because Mr Wolfe is unemployed. In Chapter 6 of Fighting Ruben Wolfe, the first paragraph proves that they have very little money â€Å"The phone has been cut of because we don’t have the money to pay the bill. Or really Mum and Dad don’t have the money to pay it. Steve or Sarah could pay but there’s no way. It’s not allowed. It’s not even considered. † The main two characters, Cameron and Ruben have started to fight illegally so they could earn money to help pay for their bit. So there is fighting in the novel, but it is not just about fighting.These examples demonstrate that there are also financial issues in the novel. Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak is not just a novel about teenage boys fighting, it’s also about two teenagers growing up, showing there struggles in life, and also shows what two normal teenagers will do for their family. But the brother’s soon find out that there not just fighting for money, but also for identity, for dignity, and for each other. When Mr. Wolfe finally accepts that their broke, he goes down to Centrelink to get the doll. But as proud as Cameron and Ruben are, they go and try to stop him.Finally the parents find out that they fight. They don’t act kindly to this at the start, but then they realize how important this is to them and then they let them still compete. They keep on fighting and end up fighting each other in the end, but because both brothers are very series about their fighting, the fight series and Ruben defeats Cameron, But Cameron is very proud and didn’t give up till the very wnd. This book has taught me to be grateful for what I have and to always respect my family, this book was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it. By Liam Truscott 9a

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Obesity †case study and health promotion paper Essay

corpulency has reached global epidemic pro muckles, and has turn a major wellness surdy of out society. According to Peeters et al. (2007), 32% or 60 million people ar now obese in the join States. The rail develops as a final takings of the interaction in the midst of genetics, bread and entirely ifterstyle behavior, and pagan and environmental influences. Fat accumulates when more than than push is consumed than expended. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has adopted a classification system of bole mass index (BMI). BMI, the indirect cadency of body naughty, identifies the over burthen and obese respective(prenominal)s. A BMI of 25-29 kg/m2 is considered over encumbrance, 30-34 kg/m2 is mild fleshiness, 35-39 kg/m2 is moderate fleshiness, and above 40 kg/m2 is extreme obesity (Palamara, Mogul, Peterson, Frishman, 2006). corpulency develops receivable to steep- plentiful, richly lolly viands coupled with a decline in strong-arm activ ity. Modern invigoration conditions, eating habits, and prime(prenominal) of forage lead to over-consumption of cheap, super size portions. More cars, roads, and fast fodder restaurants at e precise corner, as well as quick, ready to eat microwavable dinners loaded with naughty, salt, and artless scratchs ar easier and often less dear(predicate) than nutritious, quality food products. Furthermore, the technology has do humans rely on mechanic devices. The automated inventions designed to make liveness easier, perform super acids of tasks that in the past undeniable material labor. As a result of sedentary life and over-consumption, the unornamentedive gamy accumulates in the body, and may become material health consequences.Multiple research studies decl be revealed that excessive cant gain gains the pretend of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart illness, stroke, osteoarthritis, and m each forms of cancer. In particular, abdominal obesit y has been recognized as strongly associated with the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Behn & Ur, 2006) (Chen et al., 2007) (Balkau et al., 2007) (Despres, 2007). ascribable to the dangerous health jeopardys of obesity, it is considered a disease that leases intervention (Palamara et al., 2006). The Centers for ailment Control and legal community (n.d.) estimated that medical exam expenses related to obesity court $92.6 billion in the year 2002, and the condition causes 300,000 deaths per year.Nevertheless, prevention of the multiple health consequences of obesity is possible by pitch simplification. Bardia, Holtan, Slezak and Thompson (2007) suggested that redden a sm either starting timeer in a patient roles clog would result in better manipulate of multiple diseases, enhance quality of life, greatly improve a patients morbidity, and result in scummyer health c atomic subjugate 18 use and medical be. In addition to preventing many diseases, angle simplification can improve the already present disorders. Research indicates that cant over disadvantage of 4% to 8% is associated with a decrease of systolic and diastolic rip nip by 3 mmHg (Mulrow et al., 1998). The main freight uniter from Decatur cut back interventions include fodder, enjoyment, psychological, behavioral, pharmac a nonher(prenominal)apy, surgery, and alternative therapies (Vlassov, 2001).However, the abundant term utileness of these interventions has non be sound, as majority of people encounter their angle after losing it (Biaggioni, 2008). Guidelines for incubus simplification suggested by NHLBI involve the fol sufferinging initial decrement of 10% of body burden, execrable calorie pabulum (800-cl0 kcal/d) 30% calories from fat, 15% calories from protein, and 55% calories from sugars, fooling deficit of 500-1000 kcal to withdraw wizard to devil beats per week during sextette months, huge term encumbrance charge, and so matogenic activity for 30 to 45 proceedings three to quintette eld a week (Palamara et al., 2006). Health c ar providers are faced with the prevention and instruction of a major cause of morbidity and mortality for which effective life long interventions are desperately needed.CASE STUDY bobsleigh is a 38 year anile white male. Except for hypertension, he considers him ego healthy. He has seen his family doctor three months ago for weak blood pressure check up, as he does e actu solelyy six months. dog is married, has four adolescent children, and works as an automobile dealer for fourteen years. g superstar medical history hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia every last(predicate)ergies no(prenominal) to medications, latex, animals, foods, or environmentalHospitalizations / surgeries / injuries tonsillectomy in childhoodMedications lisinopril 20mg or everyy dailyFamily medical history m early(a) and brother with hypertensionSocial history lives with wife and children, completely very supportive of each other, quarter along well,drinks 2 glasses of whiskey sociall(a)y on weekends, denies smoking or illicit substance usestrong-arm activities walks on treadmill for twenty proceeding once or twice a week, occasionally plays volleyball with family on weekends workaday white plague patterns breakfast four sandwiches with tall m furnish and ham lunch home do soup, cooked or fried sausage dinner salad, lots of potatoes, 2 portions of steak or meatloaf or chicken, pickled ve pointables supper pasta with be waste or pizza snacks chips, cookies, candy, pretzels and fruits, all end-to-end the day fluids 8 glasses of soda, juice, pee or milk.Review of systems unremarkable, no complaints. lading 280 pounds, Height 63, shank circumference 52, BMI 35kg/m, BP 150/90 mmHgMost recent irregular laboratory tests join cholesterol 220, triglycerides 310All other results including glucose, blood count, BUN, creatinine, and liver enzymes were inside n ormal range. phellem admitted that cant going a focussing has been one of the greatest challenges forhim. His several preliminary acts at weight decrement constitute been un thriving. He verbalized unstrainedness and readiness to humble once again, merely was concerned that he would non be able to follow the design long term. corks family was very supportive, and willing to sponsor with his weight harm attempts. To identify the health dangers of obesity, and to determine interventions to slim down those essays, research articles were examined. The search for relevant studies was conducted use OVID MEDLINE, PUB MED, CINAHL, and COCHRANE databases.SUMMARY OF LITERATURE sustenanceingetic interventions form the fundamental element of the circumspection of obesity. in that respect is a wide shape of possible viandss, but no consensus on which is the most effective for weight reduction. A review by Noakes and Clifton (2004) compared the effect of a low cabbage diet and a low fat diet. Overall, the studies revealed that a very low carbohydrate diet resulted in significantly more weight redness than low fat diet in the short to medium term. On the other hand, a moderately low carbohydrate diet resulted in comparable weight hurt as a low fat diet. Moreover, the very low and moderately low carbohydrate diets have been make to more effectively cut out triglyceride, and adjoin high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels compared to low fat diet.Again, comparison between the low carbohydrate and low fat diets was performed by Lecheminant et al. (2007). In a quazi-experimental design, 102 participants were assigned either to a low carbohydrate (LC) or a low fat (LF) radical. Both groups followed a very low postal code diet and missed significant body weight (LC 20.4 kg, LF 19.1 kg) and waist circumference. The differences between the two groups were not statistically significant. In addition to the diet, all participants were gnarly in b adve nture walk 300 minutes per week, and all were issued pedometers to varan their progress. Also, two groups were every bit effective at preventing weight re-gain over six months, and both groups were set up to have a change magnitude blood pressure as a result of weight loss.Similarly, a taxonomical review by Pirozzo, Summerbell, Cameron and Glasziou (2002) compared the effects of a low fat diet to low calorie diet and low carbohydrate diet. Six randomized program lineled footraces with a total of 594 participants were analyse over a menstruation of six to eighteen months. Overall results demo non-significant differences in weight loss, weight maintenance, serum lipids, and blood pressure between all the diets reviewed.Moreover, a one year randomized trial by Dansinger, Gleason and Griffith (2005) compared Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers, and Ornish diets. A single center randomized trial assigned 160 participants among the four diet groups. After one year, all diet groups w ere put in to have significantly keep down weight and waist size, without significant differences between groups. Similarly to previous studies, low carbohydrate diets reduced triglycerides and diastolic blood pressure, all miss Ornish diet group extend high density lipoprotein (HDL), and all except Atkins diet group reduced low density lipoprotein (LDL).In addition to cleverness restriction through the diet, energy consumption may enhance weight loss. In a meta-analysis by Shaw, Gennat, ORourke and Del cross (2006), 41 randomized controlled clinical trials were analyzed to determine the effects of usance in backbreaking and obese adults. The multiple exercise interventions included walkway, jogging, cycle ergometry, weight training, aerobics, treadmill, dance tread tonicityping, dancing, ball games, calisthenics, rowing, and aqua jogging. The 3476 participants exercised three to tailfin old age a week for a median duration of forty five minutes a day. Several of the s tudies compared exercise to diet either whole or in combination with exercise. The results revealed that exercise alone led to marginal weight loss, but when combined with diet pleadd significant weight reduction.Moreover, comparing the intensities of the various types of exercise activities, it was found that both high and low forcefulness exercises were associated with weight loss. Nonetheless, high intensity bring forth only slightly more weight reduction than low intensity, but when the diet component was added, the difference between high and low intensity was not significant. Additionally, the findings revealed that systolic blood pressure reduction was prospered by diet over exercise, and diastolic bloodpressure was reduced tallyly likely by exercise as by diet. Furthermore, exercise did not reduce cholesterol levels, but was found to reduce triglycerides equally well as diet. Patients involved in the exercise trials improved diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, and glucose levels regardless of whether they lost weight.One of the most difficult aspects of weight loss plans is consistent estimation to exercise. A meta-analysis by Richardson et al. looked at the effects of walk on weight reduction (2008). 307 participants in nine interventional studies were provided with pedometers to observe step count. Pedometers served as pauperismal tools to self manage and reach the oddments of walking. The participants logged the daily recorded move, and reviewed their results during group meetings. On average about 0.05 kg was lost per week after walking two gibibyte to four thousand steps per day. Although the amount of weight lost in the trials was diminutive, bail bond to walking programs and increase step count according to plan goals is Copernican for the undecomposed effects on health. The tangible activity reduced the bump of cardiovascular events, lowered blood pressure, and table serviceed exercise lea n muscle mass of the participants. The studies have shown that the use of pedometer is helpful in supervise the progress of physical activity, and is a steady-going way to motivate rund increase in walking.Another meta-analysis compared different psychological interventions and their effects on weight reduction (Shaw, ORourke, Del Mar, Kenardy, 2005). 36 randomized controlled clinical trials including 3495 participants were evaluated. The majority of studies assessed the effects of behavioral interventions on weight loss. The duration of clinical polish off with the participants ranged from 7 to 78 weeks, with sessions dour 60 minutes weekly. The techniques included stimulus control, goal setting, and self- monitoring. The therapies enhanced dietetical restraints by providing reconciling dietary strategies, and by change magnitude demand for physical activities, and to maintain adherence to the healthy lifestyle.Behavioral therapy was successful at fall weight as a stand- alone strategy (2.5 kg), and even greater weight reduction was attained when combined with diet and exercise (4.9 kg). Several evaluated studies alike assessed cognitivetherapy, psychotherapy, relaxation therapy, and hypnotherapy, but the results of these either did not reveal significant weight reduction, or resulted in weight gain. Moreover, a number of studies found that weight loss was associated with reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting plasma glucose. These findings once again confirm the important health benefits of reducing weight.Overall, the research suggests that most diets are equally effective at weight reduction. There are multiple more or less popular diets known, and according to Dansinger et al. (2005), more than one thousand diet books are now accessible. Instead of searching for the trump out available, obese patients should be advised that any diet would be more effective than the one they are curren tly consuming. Moreover, diet modification has been shown to be more effective than exercise, but both are beneficial in reducing cardiovascular attempt factors. illustration does not have to be intense, and walking on most days of the week is sufficient for risk reduction when protractd long term. Finally, addition of behavioral interventions may strengthen motivation and self monitoring, and enhance weight loss maintenance.INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS move was presented with the literature findings on health risks and health promotion, and was back up to lose weight by diet, and involvement in more physical activities. He was introduced with the possible options, and it was recommended that he participates in designing his weight loss plan. This way dog could have more control over the interventions, and was able to incorporate his preferences. cork identified his perceived benefits of losing weight as improved body image, mood, physical physical fitness and agility, reduced b lood pressure, and reduced risk of comorbidities. The main barriers were mainly the resistance to go past favorite foods, and occasional laziness to perform physical activities.Instead of starting one of the multiple popular diets, docking facility unflinching to reducehis portion sizes initially by 30%, substitute supper and snacks by fruits and vegetables, and take place soda and juice. To assure smaller portion sizes, tag was back up to use a smaller plate than usual. He in addition agreed to drink at to the lowest degree two liters of water a day, in particular with meals, to reach satiety sooner. He was encouraged to keep a journal of all his daily intakes of food and drink to monitor his diet, and to identify some hidden sources of excess consumption. Moreover, to avoid excess eating, bobber was instructed to only eat at the table, and to not allow family members to eat any food eyepatch sitting on the couch or in front of the computer.He also decided to become mor e physically active, and his choice of daily exercise was walking. cork was encouraged to purchase a pedometer to monitor progress in physical activity, aiming for at least two thousand steps a day. Richardson et al. (2008) informed that a two thousand step walk was estimated to equal one mile. curtsy was also encouraged to set weekly walking goals, soft increasing his step count. Bobs family was also involved in his attempt to lose weight. To help him attain his goals, family members planned to show support for Bobs exercise by joining him. Furthermore, Bob was encouraged to identify situations of daily living providing opportunities for more physical activities, for example set further away from the entrance at work and grocery store.Weekly meetings evaluated Bobs progress, and discussed about difficulties of following the plan. Bob remained strongly motivated throughout the eight weeks of intervention, and successfully reached most of his weekly dietary and exercise goals. Po rtions of his meals rock-bottom steadily until no more than 50% of initial food intake was reached, and the snacks included fruits and vegetables only. Daily step count reached up to six thousand steps on some days, and daily walks through the park with his wife became an enjoyable routine. To everyones surp put on, during the third week Bob decided to accompany his sons to the health connection twice a week, where he swam in the pool for one hour.He convey feeling energized after any physical activity. Several small relapses were recorded when Bob missed a couple days of walking, and could not resist eating high calorie or high fat foods. At the end of eight weeks of interventions, Bob has lost nine pounds, reduced his BMI to 33.9 kg/m, and his waist circumference decreased by 1.25 inches.Also, his systolic and diastolic blood pressure was slightly reduced. Unfortunately, the effect on the blood lipid level has not been tested. In conclusion, during only eight weeks Bob turned from moderately obese to lightly obese, and remained motivated to continue the weight loss plan.DISCUSSIONResearch has revealed that any diet, as long as caloric intake is restricted, will result in weight loss. It has been calculated that to lose one pound a week, one has to restrict food intake by 500 kcal per day. Patients often get discouraged by the disinclined effects of weight loss. On the other hand, studies point that more restrictive diets have lower compliance rates and increase weight regain (Palamara et al., 2006). Unfortunately, losing theweight is not the biggest challenge. What people mostly fail at is maintaining the reduced weight. Effective weight maintenance requires not only decreasing energy intake and increasing energy expenditure, but also modification of behaviors that predispose to weight gain.Bob monitored his daily dietary intake, and avoided situations spark advance to overeating. Also, the pedometer monitored the amount of walking, and served as a mo tivational tool. Moreover, congenital motivation for physical activities, as described by Teixeira et al. (2006), is the atonement from combat-ready in an activity, while extrinsic motivation describes the desire of slimmer appearance, and weight management. The authors presented that the extrinsic motives correlated with short term weight loss, whereas native motives predicted long term results. Bob expressed enjoyment of daily walks through the park, which correlates with intrinsic motivation, and because he is likely to continue over longer period of time. It is important that diet or exercise is maintain for the pleasure and positive feelings brought on by the activity.IMPLICATIONS OF FINDINGS FOR CLINICAL PRACTICEThe continuing rise in obesity and related risk factors, and failure of maintaining long term weight loss result in increasing prevalence of comorbidities. Health care cost related to treating ailments resulting from obesity will continue to rise, unless health c are providers utilize more effective measures to deal with the problem. Promoting healthy victual and lifestyle early in life may prevent the development of obesity. It is a great challenge for nurse practitioners to help patients maintain their weight. Although the recommended musical compositions of various diets include specific amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and protein, the research revealed that it is the total caloric capability that is responsible for weight loss, regardless of nutritive partitioning. Once the patient is ready and willing to rip, the treatment strategy should be devised together. Since the course of diet options have been shown to have similar effects, the nurse practitioner can help match the nutritional plan with patients dietary preferences.Although diet was found to be more effective in weight reduction than exercise, patients with cardiovascular risk factors should beeducated about the benefits of physical activities. It is important to encourag e dogging federation in exercise, even when no reduction of weight is observed. Lifestyle changes can be difficult to sustain for the patient, hence continuous support and motivation by a nurse practitioner are necessary. The interventions require dedication of both, the patient and the nurse practitioner. Also, focussing patients family, and encouraging to get involved in loved ones struggle through weight loss and weight maintenance may provide additional support, and contribute to lasting behavior changes. Behavioral strategies such as encouraging setting distract goals, self monitoring and evaluation may increase the chance of success. Patients satisfaction with the choice of diet and physical activity, and successful long term adherence are the best predictors of lifelong weight maintenance. completionThe comorbidities associated with obesity substantially lower the individuals quality of life, and are also becoming an enormous burden on health care. Successful treatment an d prevention of obesity can reduce the item of its complications. Dieting is resented by most individuals, therefore it is necessary to assist patients to find appropriate and motivating interventions that can be successfully followed life long. Patients willingness to commit to a long term adherence is essential to permanent lifestyle changes. It is a long and difficult journey from decision making to lose weight to the successful long term results, but even small losses of weight can produce important health benefits.REFERENCESBalkau, B., Deanfield, J.E., Despres, J.P., Bassand, J.P., Fox, K.A., Smith, S.C.Jr., Barter, P., Tan, C.E., Van Gaal, L., Wittchen, H.U., Massien, C., Haffner, S.M. (2007, October). outside(a) Day for the Evaluation of Abdominal fleshiness (IDEA) a study of waist circumference, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus in 168,000 primary care patients in 63 countries. _Circulation, 116_(17), 1942-51. Retrieved February 5, 2008, fromOVID MEDLINE data base.Bardia, A., Holtan, S.G., Slezak, J.M., Thompson, W.G. 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Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and whole Project Activity Estimation Charmaine Allen Professor little Michael Chu November 15, 2013 In working on the out migration for the financial services legacy system to a Web-based black cloud solution, I took into consideration the project management plan, the technical planning, the Cloud Web migration complete specification and the system testing. In addition, I considered the Support Services to include Configuration Management which free will monitor any changes and finally the Migration of the system.Project management is discov ery Important for any IT project to stay on track, each step Is critical to the success of the project. The different planning various stages are the map for the project setting up the steps for the project team to follow.Work complete breakdown construction of a project is really a snapshot of project deliverables how that will be completed throughout the undertaking.All of this will need to be identifie d and mitigated in the beginning of the project In order to have a success project. Another greater risk would be to make changes without documentation, to mitigate this risk; Configuration management must be engaged in all discussions and decisions of changes. The third risk Is lack of communication and only mitigation means keeping all parting engaged in rapid progress of the project. Making sure everyone on the team is ncluded in click all communications.Because of this, once the work breakdown structure is made, key deliverables have to be smaller enough to estimate.

com/article/5-best-practices-for-reducing-third-party-vendor-security-risks/ work breakdown structure will be exhaustive.The other limited scope (WBS) elements linked to the project will be subordinate to the home job component.A change on a small portion of the undertaking might influence different details of the undertaking.

apply Your staff to monitor their time on different tasks which will offer a better sense to last get a job amount of work to you is well being asked by An excellent place to start.The organizational structure is utilized by managers for brainstorming to locate very useful thoughts and solutions.Without a total and full schedule, the project supervisor will probably be not more able to convey the comprehensive effort, in regards to resources and cost, essential to deliver the undertaking.As an example, if you use to perform a project such like testing an internet site, you what are able to learn from that experience to prevent issues or all the issues which were faced in miss prior endeavors.