Friday, May 31, 2019

Pneumonia And Tuberculosis Essay -- Health Illnesses Essays

Pneumonia and Tuberculosis Pneumonia and terbium have been plaguing the citizens of the worldfor centuries causing millions of deaths. This occurred until the creation anduse of antibiotics become more widely available. These dickens respiratoryinfections have many differences, which include their etiology, incidence andprevalence, and many similarities in their objective and subject indicators,medical interventions, course, rehabilitation and effects. To explore the relationship between pneumonia and tuberculosis we willexamine a case study. Joan is a 35 year old women who was feeling fine up tilla few weeks past when she develop a sore throat. Since her sore throat she hadbeen experiencing chest pain, a loss of appetite, coughing and a low fever soshe went to visit her fasten. Her doctor admitted her to the hospital withbacterial pneumonia and after three days of unsuccessful treatment it wasdiscovered that she actually had active tuberculosis. This misdiagnosis showsth e similarities between the two diseases and how easily they can be confused.PneumoniaPneumonia is a serious infection or inflammation of the lungs withexudation and consolidation. Pneumonia can be oneness of two types lobar pneumoniaor bronchial pneumonia. Lobar pneumonia affects one lobe of a lung whilebronchial pneumonia affects the areas closest to the bronchi (OToole, 1992).In the United States over three million people are infected with pneumonia eachyear five dollar bill percent of which die.Etiology There are over 30 causes for pneumonia however there are 4 main causeswhich are bacterial, viral, mycoplasma and fungal (American Lung Association,1996). Bacterial pneumonia attacks everyone from schoolgirlish to old, howeveralcoholics, the debilitated, post-operative patients, people with respiratorydisease or viral infections and people who have weakened immune systems are atgreater risk (American Lung Association, 1996). The Pneumococcusis bacteria,which is categorise a s Streptococcus pneumoniae, causes bacterial pneumonia andcan be prevented by a vaccine. In 20 - 30% of the cases the infection spreadsto the blood stream (MedicineNet, 1997) which can entrust to secondary infections. Viral pneumonia accounts for half of all pneumonia cases (American LungAssociation, 1996) unfortunately there is no effective tre... ...sis can be kept undercontrol with the use of antibiotics and the front that the infection is caughtthe better chance of a prompt recovery.ReferencesAmerican Lung Association. (1996). Pneumonia Online. Available URLhttp// Lung Association. (1996) Tuberculosis Online. Available URLhttp//, Allan R., & Dresser, creature D. (Ed.). (1995). Respiratory diseases anddisorders sourcebook (6). Detroit Omnigraphics Inc.Galantino, Mary Lou., & Bishop, Kathy Lee. (1994, February). The new TB. PTMagazine. P. 53-61MedicineNet. (1997). Diseases & treatments pneumonia Online. AvailableURL http// Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine. (1989). MedFacts Pneumonia Online. Available URL http//, M. (Ed.). (1992). Miller-Keane encyclopedia and vocabulary ofmedicine, nursing, and allied health. Toronto W.B. Saunders.Schlossberg, David. (Ed.). (1994). Tuberculosis (3rd ed.). New YorkSpringer - Verlag.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Grendels Mothers Attack Essay -- Beowulf Grendel Mother Essays

Grendels Mothers AttackIn Beowulf, we see a number of elements throughout the poem. First, we see a pagan warrior society. In this society the relationship between a king and his thanes is key. It is a symbiotic relationship in which the thanes defend the king and his land and labor his wars. In return, the king provides for his men. He offers them such items as mailcoats, swords, helmets, gold rings, mead, beer, shelter and companionship. This society also places great value on kinship. If ones kin is killed, it is the remaining relatives occupation to make the killer pay for the death, either with his own life or the payment of wergild (the humanness price). Finally, we see the recurrence of the pagan ideas of fate and courage. men believe that fate controls their lives. Beowulf constantly tests fate and believes that through courage he can live on in the memory of those who will live after(prenominal) him. In the section of the poem dealing with Grendels Mothers attack, we se e the warriors settling down to sleep in Heorot after the huge celebration of Beowulfs victory over Grendel. They take care unaware of the fact that Grendel has kin who may come to avenge his death. Grendels mother appears on the scene, snatches a man away and hurries back to the mere. When it is discovered a man is dead, sorrow is renewed. There is no more joy at Heorot, now that the she-monster has sought payment for the death of her son. Yet since she and her son are monsters, the thanes feel detailed sympat...

English Law’s Approach to Same Sex Marriage Essay -- Law Legal Same Se

IntroductionThe phenomenon of said(prenominal) sex marriages is relatively new but is gaining popularity day by day. The notion has already been welcomed and enacted as law in different jurisdictions. However it lacks proponents within the UK legal system which is reluctant to allow such relationships to be regulated into marriages. There be two topical situations faced by English law which need to be considered the right of aforementioned(prenominal) sex people to embrace and the right of the transsexuals to marry a person of the opposite sex post their gender reassignment. Although English law stands in stark contrast compared to the other democratic states that slang allowed same sex marriages. However there have been some recent developments in English law which demonstrate its approach towards the above two situations. This article testament argue that the history of English marriage law is one in which the most provocative anxieties raised by transsexual and same sex spou ses have been afforded considerable recognition. The first part of the essay outlines the reasoning of English law for non-recognition of same sex marriages celebrated overseas. While the second part points out the reference English law has afforded to transsexuals. Part-I Same sex marriages celebrated overseas Sec.11(c) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 declares that a marriage would be void if the parties to it are not singly male and female. Apparently this leaves no room for further argument. However there have been a number of occasions where the decision of the UK courts of not allowing recognition to same sex marriages has been challenged. A recent case decided in the High Court highlights the English stance on same sex marriages that took place out-of-door the... ... http//www., W. 2006. The tide in favour of equality same-sex marriage in Canadaand England and Wales. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family Online. 20(3). Accessed 12th De cember 2010. Available from World Wide wind vane http//www. Partnership Act 2004Family Law Act 1986Gender Recognition Act 2004Matrimonial Causes Act 1973Marriage act 1949Cases Wilkinson v Kitzinger 2006 EWHC 2022 (fam)M v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions 2006 2 WLR 638Rees v UK (1986) 9 EHRR 56Goodwin v UK 1996 ECHR 16 Corbett v Corbett 1971 P 83W v W 2001 Fam. 111Bellinger v Bellinger 2001 EWCA Civ. 1140I v UK 35 Eur. Ct. H.R. 592 (2002)Parry v UK Appl. No. 4297/05Websiteshttp//www.wcl.american.eduhttp//

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Great Expectations: Pip’s Views of Expectations Essay -- Great Expectat

Great Expectations Discuss Pips views of expectations and how theyaffect him.The novel Great Expectations is focused around the theme of a youngmales expectations and how they rule his life. It tells us theeffects they have on people and the negative impact they have on Pipslife. The Title to the novel Great Expectations totally contradictsthe main theme in the book, as the expectations turn out to be not sogreat afterward all. The book is split up into 3 sections of Pips GreatExpectations, all of these sections show us how Pips life has beenaffected by these expectations. Throughout the novel we see how expectations have left their mark onPips life. Chapter one is were we are introduced to the maincharacter Pip. Our first view of Pip is that he is nave,innocent and lonely young boy, the fact that Pip refers to his motheras Georgina, wife of the above tells us that he has accredited noguidance or teaching in his life and is unaware of his surroundings.Pip is then dramatically cha nged by his expectations when Pip firstmeets Mrs Havisham. He is introduced to a whole new view of life, andrealises he is not as happy as he thinks he is. Pip in a way blameshis elevation as he says, My sisters bringing up made me sensitive.When introduced to Estella Pip is infatuated by her and when she sayshow coarse and common he is, he feels embarrassed and humiliated.This is the turning heighten of Pips life, his blinding obsession withEstella makes him determined to become the gentleman that she wants,guided by his expectations.Pips expectations are acted upon many different characters end-to-endthe novel, and nearly most of the time they have a negative effect onothe... ...y arent allthey what seem to be.Overall throughout this book expectations revive a big role, we see howthey rule Pips life and how they can affect others in many differentways. We see how Pips life ends up in a good way and that howexpectations can blind others from reality. Money can change anybodyan d Pip was no exception. When Pip is little he truly wants to be agentlemen, he has great expectations for himself. Pip feelsembarrassed that his family has no money. Pips pride corrupts him andblinds him from how he is treating Joe. Expectations are extremelysignificant throughout this novel and they show us what they can do ifyou are obsessed with them. In Victorian society it was an extremelysought after dream to be wealthy and well respected, Pip was a victimof this view and eventually realised that a gentleman is somethingmore than riches.

Cultural Conservation :: essays research papers

One problem with cultural conservationTo put it simply, and its not a problems that only conservatives very(prenominal) often confuse(or conflate ethics and aesthetics. When Gertrude Himmererfarf lambastes out (as sheperceives it) amoral, sexually deviant and polymorpously perverse culture she isprimarily responding to something that she finds culturally foreign and aestheticallythreatening.I agree with her that values are much a dangerous thing, precisely only when they areborn of an ethical and pragmatic perspective, not an aesthetic one.The conservatives want a seemingly neat and compartment confederacy wherein stableappearances are maintained and archaic cultural archetypes are adhered to religiously. Igrew up in a world of cultural archetypes. I grew up with egg white businessmen going tooffice buildings while their wives stayed at home and their kids went to school. or , moreaccurately, I grew up with alcoholic, adulterous business men who lives culturally parochiallives while their wives took sedatives and smoked cigarettes and vented their frustrationson there kids, and these same kids took reams of drugs, got abortions, drove drunk, andvictimized the weaklings. I grew up in what most conservatives would consider a utopia split of money, prestige, cultural cohesion, and good conservative values. But their values were in fact aesthetics, and maintaining these aesthetics ruled andruined their lives. Almost everyone in this suburban bourgeoisie organization hated their lives,but because they had been brought up to worship aesthetic myths they felt that toquestion them was an admission of personal failure.What are these myths? theyre old and platitudinal but Ill trot on them againthats money makes you happy, that society is right and that poverty is bad, thatmaintaining convention in every aspect of your life is the ultimate good, that aberrancefrom these ideas is sin. ect.Im not going to secern that the polar opposites of the clichs is true, that w ould beone of the failings of the radical left. I believe that for the most part these criteria areirrelevant. Money can make life easier, but it also can make life miserable. Poverty canbe bad but it can also be fine. Convention has some good points and some bad points. What it all comes down to is flexibility that should allow for the well being of theindividual without compromising the rights of other individuals.When conservatives trot out their litany of evils-homosexuality, single levyfamilies, multiculturalism, ect. Im always asking why?. If people are happy being gaythen whets wrong with that? it may be a lifestyle thats aesthetically incompatible from what

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The American Dream in Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun and Arth

Centuries ago, Americans were fighting for their freedom from Britain. Then, the American dream was to curb freedom. To American then, being free and having their own individual country was enough. Up until a few decades ago, African Americans were fighting to have equal rights. They thought this was all they needed and they would be truly happy. Somewhere over the course of time blessedness had a new meaning for all Americans. Now material possessions are what it takes to be happy. The American dream is to be rich. A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, and Death of a Salesman, written by Arthur Miller, both address the American Dream. Both plays discuss the desire for wealth and how the desire may lead to sensations downfall. However, each play is very different in addressing issues such as race and feminism. A Raisin in the Sun and Death of a Salesman have the same major theme of the American Dream, but address other issues differently along the way. A Raisin in t he Sun is about an African American family in Chicago. Living in the same old broken down house is Lena Younger, who is the mother to both Beneatha and Walter, who also live in the house. Walter is married to poignancy and is the father of Travis. As the play begins, the family is about to inherit an insurance check for 10,000 dollars. This money comes from the death of Lenas husband. Each member of the family wants to do something different with that money. Lena wants to procure a bigger house in a nicer area, and Ruth agrees with her. Beneatha wants the money to go to tuition for medical school. Walter wants to invest the money in a spirits store, so he can own the store, and become successful and rich. He is tired of just being a cab driver. However, Lena inten... ...e almost called Mr. Linder and made that consume with him when he found out that he lost the money, but his family was there to help him figure out that that would not be the right thing to do. On the other hand, Willys relationship with his family is what led him to suicide. The role of woman is also handled differently in the two plays, along with the role of age and race. The two plays had akin points, but were also quite different. Works Cited Cleage, Pearl. Black Issues Book Review. Playrights Choice 3 (1995) 20- 23. Evans, Everett. Whats Hot on Stage. Houston Chronicle. 28 Oct 1994 Pgs 10- 12. Laban, Linda. Raisin in the Sun Raisins in the Rounder. Boston Globe. 5 Apr 2001 pgs 8-11. Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. New York Penguin Books, 1992. Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York Penguin Books, 1949.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Conflict: Science against Religion Essay

Throughout the ages light and godliness have struggled with maven an opposite. They both argon everlastingly striving to gain the upper hand against the other. Within this struggle both are trying to assert the fact that their ideas are accurate and how the others ideas are inaccurate. scientific discipline yearns to answer the questions of how things happen through the means of solid facts. Religion, on the other hand, seeks to answer the question of why things occur and its thought process is backgrounded in faith. more or less recollect that the devil views are non in turmoil with one another. This thought process is extremely skewed because these twain belief systems contradict one another consistently and believers of each view then struggle to prove their perspective is correct. erudition and religion, do not have the same vantage points about the constitution of the world or concord about how truth is perceived or confined (Neese, 2001). These two ideologies ar e at war with one another. The issues betwixt the two cannot be overlooked or brushed under the rug because in that location are too opusy oppo underworldg aspects. Because of this there is no way for these two ideologies to coexist harmoniously.When scientific discipline and religion have coincideping topics that attempt to answer the same questions, conflict occurs between believers of each theory. A good example of this overlap is the Evolution theory. This theory has caused controversy from its beginnings in history. Evolution, as defined by Websters Dictionary, is a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are collect to modifications in successive generations (Webster, 2012). The placement of this theory in high school text books has been very controversial. Multiple court of law cases have been fought over the theory of evolution and its existence within public schools cur riculum. There are cases dating clog from 1968 up until present day argumentation about whether this theory should be taught to students (Masamura & Mead, 2001).According to religion, divinity made all things. This is known as creationism. Within the creationism theory there is no margin for compromise. God made man and there is no other explanation in accordance with the creationism theory. The Theory of Evolution contradicts everything that religion is based on. The Bible says that God created the animals barely he also created man. The Bible speaks nothing of God creating animals and they evolving into mankind, so the idea that religious parties could agree with the evolutionary theory and accept it is ludicrous. Regardless of whether it is acknowledged or not, comprehension is deeming what religion believes as a lie. There is no way to avoid the turmoil that it causes by attempting to prove that God didnt make man tho instead we evolved from animals. Debates regarding whe re mankind comes from seems to elevate tempers and leads to arguments. History shows us that people have not agreed upon these two opinions and it has led to judicial action because there could not be an agreement made about the subjects.These are not issues of the past but are still currently raging throughout club even today. It is absurd to think that the theory of creationism and the theory of evolution do not cross over into one another and create conflict. How could two views that are polar opposites possibly be agreed upon? It is a simple answer they can and will not be agreed upon. Another argument that rages between acquisition and religion is the argument about the approximate age of the man. comprehension believes that the Earth is billions of eld old meanwhile, religious groups believe that the Earth is approximately 10,000 years old. Scientists believe that the earth can be dated back over 4 billion years using a method of Argon-Argon dating (Robins, 2006). On the other hand religious groups use the Bible as a reference to date the earth. Science argues that their method of dating is accurate and they have tack fossils that are millions of year old yet, religion argues that The Great Flood trapped carbon around the fossils and therefore would negate the carbon dating process that is typically used when dating fossils (Fossil, 2011).There are drastic differences between the timeline that science has created and the one religion uses. Science relies on gathering evidence that allows a proof to be made about the Earths age meanwhile, religion relies upon the Bible and declares nothing can be questioned because the Bible is absolute. The argument regarding the age of the Earth is definitely a continuing issue. These two viewpoints have no common ground and will continue to conflict one another. The question of why person is a homosexual has plagued debates for years. This argument is very emotional for a lot of people. Science and religion bot h have very opposing views of this topic. Some scientists believe that homosexuality is linked to genetics and have been trying to locate the gene that causes someones homosexuality (Abrams, 2007).Yet, religious sects believe that homosexuality is a choice. Science is trying to prove that people do not choose to be gay but instead are born with the predisposition to like someone of the same gender. In religious groups this view is widely rejected because the Bible states that homosexuality is wrong, and God would not make someone more prone to sin. The debate regarding the origins of why someone lives the homosexual lifestyle has not fully been pinpointed in science yet but this still doesnt calm the argument with religious groups. The fight over giving homosexuals the right to legally marry in the U.S. gives us a good example of how heated this debate truly is and how far it is from being resolved. Several states have voted to allow gay marriage while the majority of states still have not latched on to the idea due to religious backgrounds within the communities. Not as widely discussed but still a conflicting issue for science and religion is the issue of death. The belief in the hereafter, or lack thereof, is strongly debated among scientists and religious groups. Science does not prove or disprove the existence of anything occurring after death.Some scientists argue that the phenomenon of an out of dead body experience is simply the result of the brain continuing to work even though the body does not (Fitzpatrick, 2010). This discredits peoples stories of experiencing the hereafter and coming back from it. Religion gives a greater purpose in life and the ultimate goal is to spend eternity in the heavenly realm. By some scientists handle the possibility of a hereafter it adds to the tension that already exists between religion and science. Since science leaves for the possibility that nothing exists after we die, it doesnt support the theory that religio n does. In not supporting the idea of something existing after we die, it creates an invisible wall between science and religion and leaves room for argumentative discussions. One of the near overlooked conflicts between science and religion is the separation of the languages. There are multiple theories about how language developed and changed according to science.Most scientists will agree that they believe evolution played a large part in the diversity of languages. Science bases the evolution of multiple languages on people slightly ever-changing their current dialect as they migrated to opposite regions. Many scientists believe that the first language was developed somewhere in Africa (Wade, 2011). Religion seeks a completely different approach to the development of the separate languages. Religion bases the changing of dialects to the event that occurred at the tower of Babel, as recorded by the Bible. The Bible says that people were joining in concert to build a tower to re ach to heaven. God was displeased with this act so he separated the languages so the people could no longer attend one another thus, stopping their ability to work together to build the tower (Genesis 11, KJV). These two counter ideas both answer the question of how languages evolved but in two extremely different ways. In no way are these two theologies coexisting seeing that there are no similarities between their theories. battalion argue about the existing conflict between religion and science.Some argue for the presence of a conflict, while others argue that turmoil simply does not exist between the two. A man by the name of Stephen Jay Gould referred to the non-overlapping magisterial of science and religion, with the former describing reality what is and the latter dealing with values how we ought to act (Fish, 2010). Gould argued in his book, Rock of Ages, that science and religion can coexist because they occupy two separate spheres of the human experience. According t o Gould, science and God are inherently change integrity and thus can easily co-exist in the human belief system. Science, he argues, answers questions of fact, while religion covers questions of morality (Clark, n.d.). Many people have the same viewpoint as Gould or a similar one. This argument suggests that these two ideologies run parallel to one another, therefore there is no possible way for them to conflict. By making this kind of claim it is saying that there is a limit to what science can investigate and theorize about.If science and religion do not overlap as Gould and many others suggest, then it would box these two ideologies in and limit their topics of discussion. In reality, this can never occur. You cannot limit the topics in which both science and religion have opinions about, because this would be the only way for these two to have no overlapping viewpoints. This argument defines science and religion as being two separate entities that do not cross over into one an other. This is not reality however. Whether it be creation, sexual preference, death, or the separation of languages all of these things have ostensibly been delved into by both science and religion. The argument that these two approaches of doctrine exist parallel is unrealistic. If that were the case then that would mean that no topic discussed by science or religion has ever or will ever be of the same subject. As everyone knows, throughout history science and religion have doubtlessly had discussions about the same subject depend thus, negating the whole basis for Goulds argument and others who believe as he does.If logic is used and we look at both of these ways of thinking we see the drastic difference in their opinions. This leads to a dialogue about who is right and who is wrong. There is no middle ground with these conflicting views. Science is based on verifiable facts, whereas religion rests on faith that is not amendable to verification (Dias, 2010). These two thought processes show no similarities therefore, they do not have common ground and cannot agree. The desire for knowledge will always be prevalent in the human race. With this obtained knowledge comes theory and with theory comes disputes. Here stems the disagreements between science and religion. The never ending feud about whose viewpoint is right is raging as strong today as it has been in the past. The conflicts encountered within these two ideologies have no end in the foreseeable future.Their methodologies keep these two polar opposites continually disputing with one another. If there is a way for science and religion to harmoniously exist with one another, society has yet to find it. There are utopian ideas that attempt to reconcile science and religions altercations but no attempt at calming this argument has been successful thus far. Albert Einstein said that science without religion is lame religion without science is blind, (Neese, 2001). His statement is rather idealistic and unfortunately we do not currently live in a world where this way of thinking is widespread. No matter how good it would be for these two groups to coexist, it will never happen due to their drastically different views. Maybe in time things will progress but as for now the two remain at war with one another.ReferencesAbrams, M. (2007). BORN GAY?. Discover, 28 58-83. Retrieved Friday, August 10, 2012 fromEBSCOhost database.Clark, Josh. (n.d.) Can God and Science Co-exist? Retrieved from http//science.howstuff DIAS, P. (2010). Is Science Very Different from Religion? A Polanyian Perspective. Science & Christian Belief, 22(1), 43-55.Evolution. (2012). In Retrieved August 28, 2012, from http//www., J. M. (2010). Science VS Religion DEBATE. Humanist,70(4), 27-31. Fitzpatrick,L. (2010). Is There Such a Things as Life After Death?. Time. Retrieved fromhttp//w and Radiosiotope Dating. (2011). Retrieved August 28, 2012, from http//creationscience, A.V. (1995). The Galileo Project. Retrieved from http// _7.html.Masamura,M. , Mead, L. (2001). Ten Major Court Cases About Evolution and Creationism.Retrieved from http//, L. H. (2001). SCIENCE vs. RELIGION The repugn of Interpretation. USA Today Magazine, 130(2674), 70.Robins, M. (2006). How We Know Earths Age. Discover, 27(3), 22-23. Retrieved Friday,August 10, 2012 from EBSCOhost database.Wade, N. (2011). Phonetic Clues Hint Language is Africa Born. New York Times, Retrievedfrom http//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

A View From The Bridge Essay

Beatrice said, Whatever happened, we entirely done it in one of the last-place motion-picture memorialises in Arthur milling machines bleed A View From The distich. I disagree with the higher up quotation, in my opinion, only three char turningers atomic number 18 to goddamn. Those world Ed analyse, Catherine and Rodolfo. Many chemical elework forcets became culpable for Eddies d government issue inf wholly in the concluding scene, untold(prenominal) as his obsession with Catherine, Catherines flirtatious behaviour, the arrival of Rodolfo and so forth. Yet, human worldsy of these factors evolve around the casing of Eddie. T herefore, if I had to point a finger of blame at one character alone, it would be Eddie.In the outgrowth of the play, our initial response to Eddie is that he dominates the household. He provides a father figure for Catherine, as he doesnt want her to expose her egotism to the attention of different men in their community. Eddie shows a lot of i nterest in Catherine and her appearance, he informed her of how she was locomotein wavy and that her doughnut was too go around. The way Eddie made his opinion k at presentn and how his obsession affected his lifestyle, is translucently handout to bewilder a cast out effect on him for the rest of his life. Catherines effect on Eddie soon jeopardised Eddies relationship with his wife, Beatrice.Eddie tried to please Catherine, whilst he became quickly resentful when talking to his wife. We can read immediately of how this situation can non stay this way, some suit lead have to occur for Eddie to excite up his take care or so who and what he wants. When the submarines, Marco and Rodolfo are introduced, Eddies jealous streak and competitiveness twain become evident and culpable for the hostile welcome he greeted the cousins with. Rodolfo made an immediate impact on Catherine, who showed a lot of interest in the flagitious immigrant.Catherines interest in Rodolfo and Rodol fos flavorings for her infuriate Eddie. Eddie inspectms jealous and unwanted to a certain extent. Eddies tone down status towards Rodolfo spells trouble, as we can tell at some point this will come to a head. For example, Rodolfo begins to sing, much to the pleasure of Catherine and Beatrice, that Eddie interrupts this and tells Rodolfo to, wait a minute. This seems as if Eddie doesnt bid Rodolfo entertaining, especially singing this song that could muster up have been aimed at Catherine.A View From The brace moveThe lead A View From The Bridge by Arthur Miller is delimit in the 1950s in Brooklyn, America in a small cramped apartment, focal point the take heedings attention on to the tension in this household. It is a tragedy somewhat an Italian American man called Eddie Carbone. It is a point of self destruction that Miller signals is inevitable when a unb devastationable man kindred Eddie defies the standards of what his civilisation holds to be right and wron g. Eddie and his wife Beatrice have brought up Beatrices niece Catherine.Catherine is presently old enough to go out for behave. Eddie is genuinely encourageive over her and is reluctant to let her go out for work. When Beatrices cousins Rodolpho and Marco arrive as illegal immigrants, Catherine falls in turn in with Rodolpho. Eddie becomes jealous as Catherine moves further away from him and neer admits it. Throughout the play Eddie tries to destroy Rodolpho and as a final despe stigmatizee measure he digresss him and his brother to the authorities. In his community this is unforgivable.Marco is so mad that he finally kills Eddie before he is deported. The play ends with e realone losing something. I effectuate it very(prenominal) difficult to decide who I felt most sympathy for in the play be baffle ultimately, everyone lost something. Eddie dies a sad broken man. Beatrice weeps over the breathing out of her husband. Rodolpho and Catherine are sorry for Eddies terminal and Marco is deported and loses his goal of earning cash to send home. Eddie is a unfluctuating, impulsive man. He acts by instinct and prejudice.He is convinced but by olfactory sensationing at Rodolpho that he is a homosexual and un equalise to wed his niece, whom he is over protective of. This becomes clear in his conversation with Alfieri more or less Rodolpho. Eddie says, he aint right and he overly says, Hes a nordic guy. Like platinum. Eddie thinks that Rodolpho is homosexual just because he has blonde hair. He suggests that Rodolpho is weak when he says, I mean if you close the paper fast you could blow him over, display how he regards Rodolpho is non manly enough to marry his niece.In his mind he neither understands nor admits his true feeling towards Catherine. Alfieri confronts him about this, She wants to describe married, Eddie. She cant marry you can she? Eddie is shocked by the proposition and replies furiously, Whatre you talkin about, marry me I don t k straightaway what the hell youre talkin about He refuses to admit that his feeling for Catherine is much than fatherly. To him, Alfieris suggestion is absurd and unacceptable. In fact, he is only lying to himself and pushing himself one step closer to his own demise.A View from the Bridge EssayWhy and How Does Eddie Carbone Change As The Play Progresses? What Leads to His Death? How Do You Think an Audience would suffice To the Changes in his Personality As They Watch Him Destroy Himself? Arthur Millers A View from the Bridge is set in the 1950s, when communities were forced to reconcile in the midst of American culture and the Italian community culture that surrounds. The heathen and moral difference between the two provides one of the great conflicts in the play. Eddie is made to choose between the two, which questions his loyalty to his family. The play explores relationships.Eddie Carbone is a tragic takeoff rocket who indispensabilitys to believe that his masculinity denies any sexual desires. To him, being homosexual is non right this shows his insecurity of being a dominant character. His strong emotions for his niece suggest incestuous desires. Becoming suspicious of his own motives, Eddie doesnt realise these feelings until at the very end. His feelings for Catherine are suppressed. He transfers this sexual frustration into a hatred for Marco and Rodolpho, which causes him to act only irrationally. Eddies fear need to secure his swell produce from Marco is a result of his failure to protect Catherine.The community witness his loyalty die away due to his commitment to keeping Catherine to himself, and turning his vengeance into a need for acceptance by spending his last moments fighting Marco for his good pretend in the community. According to Eddie, men should protect the innocent and provide a better life for their family. Because of this devotion, he believes that men should be finded and non told what to do. I do what I feel stan dardized doin or what I dont feel like doin. This concept stays in Eddies mind finishedout the play. He exercises his authority.He believes that loyalty should stay strong, not only within a family, but the unharmed community. The neighbours look out for each other. The listening notices that hes a character with passionate beliefs. Eddies father was a poor immigrant from Sicily. He thinks that he has worked hard to get to where they are now. I worked like a dog twenty years so a punk could have her. He feels that immigrants should work as hard as he had done. This is why Eddie is seen as a proud man he has reached so far in life, without any failures as of yet, and is determined to principal(prenominal)tain his earned respect.Again, he believes the tight neighbourhood he resides in shouldnt betray one other, especially if the Italian culture is questioned. He lets illegal immigrants stay with him Theyll be glad. Readers believe that hes a generous character at the start, even when he uses this generous act to prove that his loyalty is still strong at the end. When suggested that the only thing he could do to get back at Rodolpho was to betray the family, he reclined at first. Oh, Jesus, no, I wouldnt do nothin about that, I mean-.His beliefs for a strong community stayed persistent, until he became confuse over his motives. Even when believing that Rodolpho is stealing from him, he doesnt do this because hes already losing his respect, due to his feelings for Catherine, and fears that his desires could be revealed. The hearing already see that hes changing from an over-protective father-figure to a jealous, bitter man who isnt going to give up on what he wants. When suggesting that Rodolpho had stolen from him, we see that he isnt generous anymore readers wonder if his act of generosity was genuine.A View from the Bridge? EssayIn A View From The Bridge by Arthur Miller I believe that Eddie is the character who changes most in the course of the play. I w ill show this by talking about his authority in the drama, the dramatic devices and use of language by Miller as well as the priming coat and social context of the play. Eddies role in the play is the most vital one he is by far the most primal character in the play. It is, after all, his inability to deal with his emotions that triggers most of the story and the tragedy that unfolds. Throughout the play we see many changes in the character of Eddie.At the inauguration of the play Eddie is a respected, hard-working man who is protective and kind towards his orphaned niece Catherine. The first scene in the play demonstrates Eddies character clearly. He comes home from work and is greeted by an excited Catherine. One point concern that immediately gives a feel for how Eddie feels about Catherine is Eddie is pleased, therefore shy about it. This shows that the simple Hi, Eddie from Catherine is enough to define him shy, almost as if he has been reduced to a schoolboy crush stat e of mind. subsequently in the scene he tells Catherine that he thinks her skirt is too short and that she is walkin wavy. He gets very protective of her, saying that she is being very provocative. When Catherine says, Them guys look at all the girls Eddie replies, You aint all the girls. This adds to the impression that he wants to protect her and may have in allow feelings towards her. But by the end of the play Eddie no all-night protects Catherine with all his military capability instead, he focuses solely on attack Rudolfo and Marco because of his intense jealousy over Rudolfos relationship with Catherine.In spite of the advice of his lawyer Alfieri to let things run their course Eddie betrays Rudolfo and Marco and in doing so loses his reputation and goes against his own moral ordinance. In the end Eddie has almost gone mad because his friends and family have lost all respect for him and he is vainly filtrateing to get it back. The scene I have chosen to demonstrate how much Eddie has changed is the final one in the play. It shows Eddie almost as a different person no longer kind and protective but vengeful and bitter.Eddie hears that Marco is on his way to confront him after being bailed out by Alfieri. He goes outside and addresses the crowd of large number that has gathered because they have hear that Eddie has betrayed Marco and Rudolfo . The realization of what he has done has made Eddie go slightly mad. One stage direction says, his eyes are homicidal and he cracks his knuckles with a strange sort of relaxation. This shows that Eddie has come to terms with what is happening and is facing Marco even though he knows he has greater strength than him.Throughout the play Arthur Miller uses simplistic language to demonstrate many things about Eddie. The characters vocabulary is limited and often colloquial, this shows that Eddie has had a tough upbringing and has a hard-working life-style he is a very manly man. The play is based largely on M illers own experiences. The story of Eddies perfidiousness of his cousins is based on a longshoreman Miller heard about during his own two years working on the docks of Brooklyn. Whilst there, he to a fault heard about a friends dream where the friend had an lot to his niece.Miller believed that the dream revealed a desire to have relations with the niece. Miller used his own experiences a lot when writing his plays which give them a truthful feel. Eddies simple direct language is not shown as a negative thing however it demonstrates what a powerful character he is and how he is perceived by those around him. Because he is the head of the household, he does not need to ask population to listen, he simply talks to the family using direct, blunt language and they listen.He is Catherines guardian (he likewise has inappropriate feelings for her). This role makes him all the more important because, Catherine is the second most important character in the play. When Eddie challenges R odolfo to a casual boxing lesson and uses the opportunity to punch him. This is Eddies way of showing Rodolfo and Catherine that he has the most power in the household but he then abuses it. The play is also an accurate projection of 1940s Red Hook, the slum area where the Carbones live and the play is set.Eddie and his family are just like most families in Red Hook, they should be dioramaed as regular members of the wider community, even when the tragedy that occurs within the hold of their family is spilled into the community of Red Hook and becomes a public affair. In conclusion I believe that Eddie has changed the most because at the beginning of the play, he represents a good and a respectable man, but at the end, he has been reduced to the ruins of what was once an honorable man. It is Eddies good set at the beginning of the play that cause us to admire him.One of these was being so averse to what the boy did in the Vinnie Bolzano story. further, through his actions in c alling immigration and telling them about Rodolfo and Marco he loses the respect and sympathy of those around him. The aspects of Eddie that made him the good, strong man he was in the beginning of the play were changed by Rodolfo and Catherines crawl in for each other. By the end of A View From the Bridge we see that even a man as strong and reliable as Eddie can be completely transformed and distorted by the illicit love and jealousy that he feels for Catherine.A view from the Bridge EssayEddie Listen, you been givin me the willies the way you walk down the street, I mean it. The relationship between them is that of a father and a daughter. The tension increases in the relationship when Eddie hears about Catherines new job. Eddie .. plumbers theyll chew her to pieces if she dont watch out. Eddie is overprotective about Catherine especially when she has a new job. However, then he allows her to take the job. He gives Catherine some advice. Eddie . dont trust nobody. He calls Ca therine Modonna this is a religious overtoues. He worships her.If I was directing the play I would make that scene a bit intense and make Eddie feel shock when Catherine has got a new job but Catherine and Beatrice dont see it. The tension grows in the relationship when Beatrices cousin, Marco and Rodolfo arrive. Eddie becomes jelous of Catherines interest in Rudolfo. Rudolfo and Catherine have gone to the Parmount and they come home having enjoyedtheir evening. Eddie tells Rudolfo to go into into the house because he wants to speak to Catherine. Eddie tells Catherine that Rudolfo only likes her so that he can get a passport.Catherine disagrees with this and refuses to believe Eddie. Eddie Katie, hes only bowin to his passport. I think that Eddie is using this to come between them because I think Eddie has feelings for Catherine and he likes her. If I was the director I would bring more tension into this scene and fabricate some kind of cause between Eddie and Rudolfo. Eddie com es home drunk and sees Rudolfo coming out of Catherines bedroom. He becomes angry and unconnected. He tells Rudolfo to leave the house, but Catherine says no and she is the one who will be leaving the house.In that scene Eddie kisses Rudolfo to show that he is not straight(gay). Catherine I think I cant stay here no more. Im sorry, Eddie. The relationship between Eddie and Catherine is getting worse and more tense. Catherine is very angry with Eddies anti social behaviour. Catherine tells Eddie that she is going to marry Rudolfo. Eddie tries to tell her that she is too young and that this is the first guy she has met. Eddie doesnt want Catherine to go ahead with the marriage. But you never knew no other fella, Katie How could you make up your mind? If I were to direct this play, I would put more action into this scene and a little argument about the wedding. The final relationship which I am going to explore is the one between Catherine and Beatrice. Beatrice loves Eddie and wants to respect Eddie, but Catherine comes in her way. Beatrice understands that Catherine is growing up and she is not a baby, but Eddie is being over protective of Catherine. Beatrice becomes more certain that Eddie is heading towards disaster. Eddie Beatrice, shes a baby, how is she gonna know what she likes? Beatrice Well, you kept her ababy, you wouldnt let her go out. Beatrice tries to reason with Eddie. She tries to tell him that hes being selfish. Catherine try to affect Eddie. Catherine is confused and innocent throughout the play. If I was directing this scene I would create a havoc between Beatrice and Eddie and their relationship would break up. I think that Beatrice is jelous of Catherine but she is doing the right thing. She tries to push the girl out to work so that she doesnt come into the relationship between her and Eddie. Beatrice is aware that Eddie some sexual desire for Catherine but she doesnt blame Catherine for this.She tries to tell Catherine to move on with h er life and she does this by standing up for her when she shew her first job and when she is going out with Rodolfo. Catherine doesnt encourage Eddie purposely. She is not deceptive. Catherine takes Beatrices advice to move on with her life. Beatrice You still walk around in front of him in your slip. Beatrice well you cant do it. Beatrice tells Catherine that she is not a baby and she shouldnt walk around in her slip when Eddie is shaving his underwear. She tells her to go on and marry Rodolfo.Beatrice is doing the right, but inside I think she feels jelous of Catherine. Beatrice was happy when Catherine announced her engagement. Beatrice is ready to attend the wedding but Eddie doesnt want to. Catherine Im gonna get married, Eddie. So if you wanna come, the wedding be on Saturday. I would direct this be instructing Beatrice to shout at Catherine, program line her to get on with her life. I would tell Catherine to actas if she is confused why Beatrice is shouting at her. In co nclusion, I think Arthur Miller has done well to show the relationships between the characters.He has used different types of techniques and he has been succesful in doing this. Relationships are a major factor in the play because actions come from the characters and their prejudice attitudes and so on Miller shows conflicts, love and arguments through characters. I think the main point of the story is it shows if relationships dont work, it leads to death and conflict. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student indite piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.A view from the duet EssayThere are many emotions in the play Love, hatred, jealousy, and anger. Write about one and how it is presented in the play. I have chosen to look at the emotion love and the part it plays in affecting the storyline. In A View From the Bridge by Arthur Miller most of the characters actions are fuelled by love. Love drives all the other main emotions in the play. However there are question marks over both(prenominal) the central loving relationships, that of Eddie and Catherines and Eddie and Beatrices. Catherines love for Eddie is that of a daughter for her father as she calls him the sweetest guy.She has a doting daughters attitude. Catherine cares for Eddie and goes out of her way to please him What do you want me to do? she asks him upset when he disapproves of her skirt. She wants very much to please him. But Eddie is very hard to please, as he is far too overprotective of her. Catherines falls in love with an immigrant who stays with the family I love you Rodolfo she tells him. Catherine has never been in a serious relationship before but is late in love with Rodolfo who in turn loves her.This relationship is normal for community of their age and marriage is quite a natural step for two people in love. Marco is an immigrant who has come to America as his family are starving and as he explains his wife fe eds them from her own mouth meaning they are starving. Marcos love has forced him to leave his wife and three children to work in America to make money to feed them. This is a very strong gesture as he plans not to see his family again for four, five, six years maybe. This relationship highlights the extreme measures people are driven to because of love.Marco loves his family to the point where he would do anything for them. This shows that in this play love is a real passion that prompts other behaviour. Eddies love for Catherine seemed at the beginning of the play just to be the love of a concerned father figure, I think its too short aint it? he says worrying about the length of Catherines skirt. Eddie is very over protective of Catherine and treats her as if she is still his little girl, which could be damaging to her development in this stage of life as Beatrice points out Look, you gotta get used to it, shes no baby no more.It is time for Eddie to let go but he cant. Eddies psychoneurotic attitude towards Catherine seems strange to everyone except Eddie She cant marry you, can she? Alfieri says trying to explain how others might see his behaviour. To everyone else Eddie seems to be perversely in love with Catherine and wants her for himself. I believe this is not the case, I believe Eddie has become used to Catherines love for him that he cannot bear to see her adorning her affection on anyone else.The stage direction with a sense of her childhood, her babyhood and the years describes the great sense of loss Eddie feels as he has cared and loved her all her life. Beatrice remains faithful to Eddie throughout although she is frustrated, When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? she tells him, desperate from him to forget about Catherine and go back to caring for her. Beatrices love for Eddie is one of the strongest in the play, she wants urgently for Eddie to pay her the attention she deserves as a loving wife.Eddies obsessive behaviour towards Catherin e puts great strain on his marriage I want my respect he says when Beatrice tries to confront him, Eddie is angry and shouts at her for complaining about him being so strict with Catherine. Beatrice is struggling to keep her marriage intact, but she cannot understand the love Eddie feels towards Catherine. I believe Eddie loves his wife dearly but his love for Catherine takes priority when Rodolfo comes on the scene, which leads him to mistreat Beatrice. I cannot help feeling sorry for her as she is forced into a situation that was not her doing.It seems her love for Eddie is unrequited. Eddies hatred for Rodolfo is fuelled by his jealousy for the love and attention Catherine bestows upon him, Im telling ya the guy aint right he says trying to justify his hatred. Nobody believes Eddies comments about Rodolfo and everyone but Eddie can see through to his jealousy. It isnt right for a man of Eddies age to be obsessed with his young niece, but nobody understands the depth and passion o f Eddies love, which drives him to keep Catherine at any cost.Eddies obsessive love compels him to see Mr Alfieri, family friend and lawyer He aint right Mr Alfieri Eddie pleads, but it is obvious he has no jurisdiction within he law. The fact Eddie has gone to see Alfieri shows the power of his love towards Catherine and his desperation to have her for himself. Love is the main driving force behind all the characters actions, the truth is not as bad as blood Eddie Beatrice tells him trying to quell his anger and hatred. Beatrice believes that love is not a worthy enough cause for the use of violence.It is Eddies deep love that drives him to use all force necessary to have what he believes to be his Catherine. This unfaltering love to the bitter end is misunderstood by Marco He degraded my brother. My blood. Marco says he cannot see why Eddie turned him and Rodolfo into the police. But it is obvious to the reader that it was Eddies love that compelled his actions and not his hatred for Marco and his brother. Eddies love finally leads him to his death You lied about me Marco Eddie cries before lunging at him. This is Eddies last desperate attempt to win back his dignity.Eddies love has driven him to a point where he has no other option but to follow his feelings to the end. The fate of Eddie Carbone is a tragic one as his obsessive feelings towards Catherine took control of him and his actions that followed he could not help. I believe the story is a testament to the power of love and how once it has infected someone in a certain way they are powerless to split it. Emlyn Roberts Pluto10X Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.A View from the Bridge EssayPride plays a great role in the play, A View from the Bridge. The biggest victim of assumption is Eddie, who loses both his pride and respect throughout the play. And this gradual loss heavi ly affects the characters behaviors. However pride does not seem to be the only factor that dictates the progress of the play. In the beginning of the play, Eddie is full of pride. He is respected by both Marco and Rodolfo as well as the community. The quote, I want to tell you now Eddie when you say go, we will go, shows that Marco and Rodolfo respect Eddie.The quote in other words means that Marco and Rodolfo will be doing whatever Eddie tells them to do. The fact that this is Marcos first large line in the play shows how important Marco thinks of Eddie. in any case the hyphen in the middle of the sentence gives effect, which emphasizes the subject Marco is trying to send to Eddie. The pride Marco and Rodolfo give Eddie in the family allows Eddie to lower his guard and gives him a chance to respect Marco as well. This perspective can be seen from the side by side(p) line. Eddie says, Youre welcome, Marco, we got plenty of room here. He addresses Marco, which shows that Eddie is in favor of him.Then the second part of the line, we got plenty of room here. , not only shows the Eddie is welcoming Marco, but it also shows that Eddie has given Marco his respect. A Room in their house symbolizes respect. At first, Eddie and Marco both have each others trust and respect, giving them both pride which brings the two to a peaceful relationship. Later as the play progresses Eddie begins to lose his pride. Marco says, Here. (the chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph) The simplicity of the sentence emphasizes Marcos loss of respect for Eddie.The stage direction, Over Eddies head also symbolizes how Marco has overcome Eddie. Also the glare of warning shows that Marco no longer thinks of Eddie as someone he should respect. The story continues as Eddie loses his pride. Pride is very important to Eddie. He says Yeah Marco Eddie Carbone. Eddie Carbone. Eddie Carbone. His name sym bolizes his pride and the repetition of it shows the importance of his name in Eddies heart. Also he does not just say his first name but also his last name, which also emphasizes his name his pride. The communitys reaction is another event that comes from pride.(Lipari and wife exits Louis barely turns, then walks off the stage and exits down right with mike. ) is a stage direction that shows the communitys reaction to what Eddie had done to Marco and Rodolfo. Lipari and his wife, Louis, and Mike represent the community. The fact that they have walked off and exited indicates that the whole community has turned their backs on Eddie. From there, we can see that Eddie has lost his pride in his community as well as his family. Although pride is a main factor behind the progression of the play, loyalty and family relationships, also play a very important role.Family relationships play a very important role. This could be seen from Beatrices line, Eddie, listen to me. Who could give y ou your name? Listen to me, I love you, Im talking to you. I love you. The short sentences make the sentence feel real and have a real impact, as if Beatrice is really trying to talk to Eddie. Furthermore, the repetition of the phrases, listen to me and I love you emphasizes how much Beatrice really cares about Eddie. Pride and family relationships play a huge rule in the progression of the play.A View from the Bridge EssayPride plays a great role in the play, A View from the Bridge. The biggest victim of pride is Eddie, who loses both his pride and respect throughout the play. And this gradual loss heavily affects the characters behaviors. However pride does not seem to be the only factor that dictates the progress of the play. In the beginning of the play, Eddie is full of pride. He is respected by both Marco and Rodolfo as well as the community. The quote, I want to tell you now Eddie when you say go, we will go, shows that Marco and Rodolfo respect Eddie.The quote in other wor ds means that Marco and Rodolfo will be doing whatever Eddie tells them to do. The fact that this is Marcos first significant line in the play shows how important Marco thinks of Eddie. Also the hyphen in the middle of the sentence gives effect, which emphasizes the message Marco is trying to send to Eddie. The pride Marco and Rodolfo give Eddie in the family allows Eddie to lower his guard and gives him a chance to respect Marco as well. This perspective can be seen from the following line. Eddie says, Youre welcome, Marco, we got plenty of room here. He addresses Marco, which shows that Eddie is in favor of him.Then the second part of the line, we got plenty of room here. , not only shows the Eddie is welcoming Marco, but it also shows that Eddie has given Marco his respect. A Room in their house symbolizes respect. At first, Eddie and Marco both have each others trust and respect, giving them both pride which brings the two to a peaceful relationship. Later as the play progresse s Eddie begins to lose his pride. Marco says, Here. (the chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph) The simplicity of the sentence emphasizes Marcos loss of respect for Eddie.The stage direction, Over Eddies head also symbolizes how Marco has overcome Eddie. Also the glare of warning shows that Marco no longer thinks of Eddie as someone he should respect. The story continues as Eddie loses his pride. Pride is very important to Eddie. He says Yeah Marco Eddie Carbone. Eddie Carbone. Eddie Carbone. His name symbolizes his pride and the repetition of it shows the importance of his name in Eddies heart. Also he does not just say his first name but also his last name, which also emphasizes his name his pride.The communitys reaction is another event that comes from pride. (Lipari and wife exits Louis barely turns, then walks off the stage and exits down right with Mike. ) is a stage direction that sho ws the communitys reaction to what Eddie had done to Marco and Rodolfo. Lipari and his wife, Louis, and Mike represent the community. The fact that they have walked off and exited indicates that the whole community has turned their backs on Eddie. From there, we can see that Eddie has lost his pride in his community as well as his family. Although pride is a main factor behind the progression of the play, loyalty and family relationships, also play a very important role.Family relationships play a very important role. This could be seen from Beatrices line, Eddie, listen to me. Who could give you your name? Listen to me, I love you, Im talking to you. I love you. The short sentences make the sentence feel real and have a real impact, as if Beatrice is really trying to talk to Eddie. Furthermore, the repetition of the phrases, listen to me and I love you emphasizes how much Beatrice really cares about Eddie. Pride and family relationships play a huge rule in the progression of the p lay.A view from the pair EssayExplain how act one of A View from the Bridge is effective in terms of dramatic quality and how an audience might respond to the play.This essay is about act 1 of A View from the Bridge which was written by Arthur Miller. A View From The Bridge is a play, so I will be focussing on the dramatic input it had on the audience. mess in the 1950s, when the play was first performed, would react differently to an audience would now.People in the 1950s lived under a very strict moral code, people were expected to live like a stereotypical American citizen would have. The code was much stricter than the one that exists today. This is shown by In your town you wouldnt just drag off some girl without permission it aint that much different here.In Italy there was no employment, which meant there was no money to spend even on basic needs like food and water, Marco explains how his 3 children eat the sunshine and because of this many Italians immigrated to America, so that they could live the American moon, where people were able to find employment.Women were made to live under moral values and were expected to be homemakers. Beatrice is a very good example of this, I was gonna wash the walls, men, on the other hand were expected to be the providers, to get money and keep the family stable. They were expected to behave like men, Come on Rodolfo, Ill show you a couple of passes now watch out here I come, Danish Working class men had specific views on sexuality this is a reason why Eddie and Rodolfo are constantly fighting. Eddie suspects Rodolfo as being a homosexual, because Rodolfo makes dresses, sings and dances, which is not a way a man should be behaving, and because of this behaviour, he calls Rodolfo A weird and tells Alfeiri, the guy aint right, Eddie also worries how the other men view him, theyre calling him a canary. The contrast to how they view the more conventional Marco, A regular slave creates a lot of tension and makes Eddie v ery anxious.Eddie is the main character of the play, and it is his tragedy that we watch unfold. Eddie works on the docks because he is a longshoreman. He is presented as an ordinary, hardworking provider. He was as good as a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even he brought home his pay and he lived. However Alfieri then goes on to say Eddie Carbone had never expected to have a destiny. A man works, raises his family, goes bowling, eats, gets old and then dies. This tells the audience that Eddie is more than meets the eye. Eddie is an Italian-American who is lacking in education, which is portrayed in his speech, Ill treat yiz, you gotta sit down sometimes. His grammar is often inaccurate whynt you run down.Eddie is important to the play because he shows what happens when you betray your family and how it affects him emotionally and physically. If Eddie didnt exist the family could not survive, as he holds the family together, however Eddie could not survive with his family, which is why the play is so tragic. Eddie relates to the other characters by being something they each need, for Instance he sees himself as a man, a husband, an uncle and a member of a close-knit Italian community.However the audience sees a strong silent type in Eddie, they can see what is going on in Eddies head, they can see he is trying to protect Catherine from other people and himself, I guess I just never figured on one thing that you would ever grow up. The audience can see Eddie try and rationalise his feelings for Catherine and can see how jealous Eddie is when Catherine is going out with Rodolfo, He takes and puts his filthy hands on her like a goddam thief Eddies feelings for Catherine also impacts on the relationship he has with Beatrice, when am I going to be a wife again?Eddie makes act one dramatic with all the intensity of everything that is going on around him, eg his feelings for Catherine, relationship problems with Beatrice and the hatred of Rodolfo, wh ich leads to Eddie making negative comments, which makes Catherine and Beatrice anxious, as they can see his anger building up. He also starts to criticise Catherine, for example what the high heels for Garbo?. Even though Marco has spoken very little, it is made clear that he is angry at Eddie for disrespecting his brother, so Marco challenges Eddie in lifting a chair above his head, which Marco does successfully but Eddie is unable to do, this gesture warns Eddie, its as if he is saying, if you mess with Rodolfo you mess with me. It also shows how strong Marco is compared to Eddie, which is important as it relates to the end scene.Catherine and Beatrice are important to the play because they are Eddies family, if they werent, Beatrice would not have been able to build up so much tension about not being a wife, and neither would Catherines falling in love with Rodolfo. This tells us that all the characters contributed something to cause Eddies death. Both Beatrice and Catherine are very likeable characters Catherine acts like a little girl, even though she is 17. She treats Eddie like her father and she is very optimistic in every situation. Beatrice is a much more stable and senesce character. She can see what to do in every situation. Being an Italian-American, means that her grammar is often inaccurate. Beatrice is very much based at home and her speech is commonly connected with the world, I dont even have nothing to eat for them, whatre you got.Whereas Catherine, has had more education than Beatrice, but has still grown up in the Italian-American community, which means she still uses a lot of slang and is lively in her speech, Im the best student, he says, and if I want, I should take the job, oh sure, Im crazy for paper doll. However, Beatrice and Catherine are different, oh Beatrice what should I do? where young Catherine is uncertain, Beatrice is mature and has a clear view of matters. The audience would feel sorry for them because they are trying t o have normal lives, but Eddie brought so much tension, that it affects the whole family. Catherine doesnt understand why Eddie was so upset with Rodolfo, why dont you like him Eddie?Beatrice is troubled because she notices that Eddie has feelings for Catherine, but really wants to be Eddies wife. You want something else Eddie But you can never have her The audience feels sorry for Beatrice after learning that she knows about Eddies feelings. Catherine and Beatrice cause a lot of tension, with Catherine desperately lacking(p) to see Rodolfo, but Eddie is reluctant to let her, and Catherine wanting to get a job and to go out more. Beatrice is concerned about her relationship, and the way Catherine acts around Eddie, which leads her to say that she needs to grow up now that she is older.Also Eddies reaction to Catherine now dont aggravate me, Katie, you are walking wavy these are the first signs of trouble. Furthermore, Eddie is not entirely happy with Beatrices cousins coming to sta y with them. Ill end up on the floor with you, and theyll be in our bed, Eddie expects the cousins to be grateful. Eddie then gets even angrier when Rodolfo flirts with Catherine, which is shown to the audience by stage direction he has been unconsciously twisting the newspaper into a tight roll.Marco and Rodolfo are brothers who come from Italy. Their life in Italy was terrible Rodolfo had no other family or any money, he was unemployed and could not get a job. Marco has a wife and 3 children. He also had no money because of unemployment, and therefore, both brothers immigrated to America, where they would stay with the Carbones. Marco and Rodolfo became longshoremen, and received reasonable pay, of which Marco sent most of it to his family in Italy, and continued to live in America.Rodolfos second language is English this becomes more obvious when he gets flustered or excited. He is enthusiastic and lively in his speech, which reflects his character. Me? Yes, forever I want to go back to Italy when I am easy, and I will buy a motorcycle, Quickly and with a great noise. Marco lacks education. English is his second language too, No, but she understand everything. He is depict as A square built peasant. He is a man of few words, but when Marco is angry, his speech becomes disjointed. I work to come here mister, that one he speaks very poor English, but still it shows Marcos contempt for Eddie.Marco is not like Rodolfo, he is not lively but very quiet, and does what he is told. He behaves like a proper man. Hes a regular slave. Because of Rodolfos liking for singing and dressmaking, Eddie reacts harshly to him. For example, Eddie humiliates Rodolfo in front of Catherine, Eddie pins his arms, laughing, and suddenly kisses him, You see? The audience would have also suspected Rodolfo of being a homosexual and would have despised him and discouraged his behaviour.The conflict between Eddie, Marco and Rodolfo at the end of act one is made very dramatic for the aud ience. This is cleverly done by the characters and their stage directions, for instance, he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning, into a smile of triumph. This creates a lot of energy from all of the three men, which puts a lot of pressure on Eddie.Alfieri is a lawyer. He is well educated and uses higher register than the other characters, I confess that something perversely pure calls to me from his memory. He is also chatty when he addresses the audience you wouldnt have known it, but something amusing has just happened. He functions like a Greek chorus he explains and sometimes warns the audience about the action, he might tell you what happens next. Moreover, he has a dramatic function as a narrator, a commentator and a character that interacts with others. Alfieri connects the play together. He also introduces the main themes, for example he suggests to the audience that the play they are going to watch is not going to be happy. Watch its bloody course. He makes the audience realise that the play is a tragedy and Eddie can not escape his destiny.He also introduces the main comments to the audience, settle for half, The law is not a friendly idea which means he is saying make sure you do anything for your family, which relates to what Eddie talks about when he is telling the story of Vinny Bolzano. He explains that Vinny had an uncle, who was staying with him. However his uncle was an illegal immigrant. So the boy phoned immigration and the uncle was taken back to his country. The boy was never seen again because he was so ashamed of what he had done. His friends and family would not speak to him again. Vinny Bolzano symbolises the loyalty amongst the Italian-American community and the consequence of breaking that trust. In a similar way the Liparis, Louis and mike do the same thing.They were close friends of Eddie in the beginning of the play, see ya Louis, who turn against Eddie once he betrays his family the crowd has turned to Eddie. L ouis barely turns then walks off, Eddie calls after Louis and Mike. In the play he also advises Eddie not to phone immigration, and warns him of the consequences, You wont have a friend in the world Eddie This will make the audience think either that the advice is not appropriate because he is a lawyer. He is connected to the law, and so should make sure Eddie goes by the law. Or the audience might agree with the advice, as they know how important it is that you do anything for your family. .. this scene makes the audience involved by making use their judgement. Lighting is used throughout to make Alfieris appearance more dramatic, lights rise on Alfieri, lights fade on Alfieri.Arthur Miller uses dramatic irony. For example, when the Immigration Officers appear outside the Carbones apartment just as Catherine is arguing with Eddie over where Marco and Rodolfo are going to stay if Eddie throws them out of the building. We know their argument is pointless because the officers are abou t to pounce.The effect of dramatic irony is to involve us in the action, to make us feel implicated, almost as if we are ourselves characters in the play. Miller is very explicit with his stage directions. He describes in detail how he wants the set to appear and exactly how characters are to say each line, i.e. With deep alarm. Miller also uses stage directions to hint that there is a sexual attraction between Eddie and Catherine He looks at Catherine like a lost boy. Furthermore, the actions towards Rodolfo show the audience that Catherine is slipping away from Eddie, Hes a rat He belongs in the sewerThe dramatic devices, techniques and stage craft make the play very dramatic. The skilful use of these, build up intensity between the characters, which in turn causes hatred and jealousy. It shows us today how fortunate we are compared to the lives back then as women and men were not allowed to be different, and had to live by strict moral values.This also shows us how bad some peopl es lives were in the 1950s and illustrates how bad life was in Italy. Today, the audience would act differently this is because it is now acceptable to be unique and to be homosexual, nowadays people wouldnt be so judgemental. I think the play is good because it so emotive. It highlights how bad life can be, and even when you are tempted not to, to still look after your family, and do everything you can for them, as betrayal, (a major theme in the play),has been proven to sometimes have fatal consequences.A View from the Bridge EssayThere are a few interpretations of what the title could mean an overview, a bridge between characters, Catherines bridge between girl and woman, a bridge between two worlds (America and Italy) and Eddies change of character.Alfieri is an outsider, his view is from the bridge he comments on Eddies progress as a storyteller,I could have finished the whole story that afternoonI could see every step coming. (p50)This is what Alfieri says after Eddie comes to see him. He is the narrator and is quite similar to the chorus in a Greek Tragedy.Characters also make bridges or connections between other characters. For example, throughout the first act we see that Beatrice is the bridge between Catherine and Eddie and she still is on page 80 when she insists that Eddie attend the wedding when Catherine does not care. Also, Eddie dislikes Rodolpho and Catherine bridges that gap and tries to run Eddie to her point of view,Whatre you got against him?He only blesses you.(40)Catherines growing up is a bridge as wellIm not a babyBeatrice says to be a woman, (62)In this scene she also asks Rodolpho to teach her and they venture towards the bedroom, she emerges to speak to Eddie adjusting her dress. An innocence of virginity is seen. The audience also sees a bridge in Catherines job (18), with her growing up and changing from the rough area of the docks to something more up market.The title could also mean bridging the gap between two cultures, Ameri ca and Italy. The Italian way of life is very much based on unwritten rules ofhonour and trust, the American justice system is written in stone,MARCOAll the law is not in a book.ALFIERI Yes. In a book. There is no other law. (78)Eddie lived an Italian/American way of life, Alfieri says in the first scene that the law was often broken for justice (12) Eddie does not want this for Catherine, he wants her to have The American Dream going from poor slums to rich and successful in one generation.The American culture of Brooklyn generates from the dirty docks. The bad living conditions and poor way of life do not seem fit for Catherine and Eddie wants to change that. Eddie and his longshoremen friends are very hard in there own way, they have very good intents, but their way of going about it shows very little awareness of the outside world. The troubles of the whole play originated from the docks and Eddies generosity in taking the Italians in to stay. This is illegal and he is bringing back the culture that Alfieri introduces as having changed for the better,Now we settle for half the law and I like it better.(12)Eddie at the start of the play is very hard-working and protective he wants Catherine to have the American Dream that he never had he is generous he lets the cousins come to stay, caring and sensitive he has the Italian values of loyalty and the family as one being. This changes through the play. The audience sees his change of character in such things as the threat from Rodolpho and his brother. On page 27 Eddie disagrees with Marcos offer that If you say go, we go. On page 48 Eddie refuses Alfieris idea that the only way to rid himself of the threat of Rodolpho is to report them Oh Jesus no, I wouldnt do nothin like that On page 67 he finally rings Immigration to report his cousins, a change of attitude completely. This change is the bridge in Eddies story.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

NSTP or National Service Training Program Essay

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to shoot it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. Ralph Waldo Emerson. NSTP or National returns Training Program for me has become more than just a required two-semester line of achievement for me to graduate. It taught me life lessons that cannot be learned inside the four walls of our classroom. It taught how I can serve my country in my own little way. It taught me that in helping others, no matter how small we think it may be, could make a big difference and impact to other people.To be honest, I chose LTS or Literacy Training Service as my NSTP course just for the sake of choosing. As months passed by, I unexpectedly st artistic creation to love LTS. I learned the basics in first-aid and disaster hazard reduction management. We went to a school in Samal Bataan for two Saturdays for our fieldwork. There I met a lot of grade six students which I immediately bec ame friends with. We prepared art work projects, science experiments, played charades for their enjoyment while at the same time making sure that they are learning from the activities.We were assigned to review them for the forthcoming National Achievement Test. I was assigned to two students which I admit was pretty challenging at first because I am a fainthearted person and I am not really patient when it comes to teaching others so having to teach two grade six students was really hard for me. It definitely made me step out of my comfort zone. I was pretty sad after our field work because I was already attached to my two students. So before we parted ways, we gave each other a little something so that we would not forget each other and promised to meet again someday.Over-all, LTS taught me three things patience, deeper tasting in life, and valuing education more. First, I learned how to be patient in terms of teaching my students. They have different personalities so I have t o post my patience and be more flexible when it comes to teaching them. Second is deeper appreciation in life. I realized that I am more than blessed because I get to study in a good university while others are struggling hard financially just to attend school every day. I also learned to value education more.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Analysis of the Digital Audio Player Industry

digital technology is major breakthrough continues to grow in a fast pace. Several technology firms impart explored on the potentials and opportunities of venturing to digital technology. Among digital innovations, digital euphony players atomic number 18 regarded as the most dynamic. This observation is evident in the growth of these gadgets in terms of sales and production. The digital unison industry has established its presence and is becoming an influential economic booster. In addition, the influx of digital practice of medicine players in the commercialise suggests the tyrannical take on among music consumers. Moreover, the clients being served by digital music players have expanded. Aside from music enthusiasts, digital music players argon being used by discordant segments of the market that includes students, schools, public institutions, and even commercial organizations.II. Issues and ConcernsThe features of digital music players are the main reasons why players have gained market recognition. Digital music players are man-portable and require less space. Flash disk players are handy and sess be carried to any points. Hard disk players are simply inserted in computers. Consumers are freed from the usual hassles experienced when buying similar products.In addition, digital music players only require small batteries to function. Unlike other gadgets, these players faecal matter be contend even in far-flung areas. Digital players also come in varied memory sizes. Users who prefer more songs in their players can acquire players with risque memory. Aside from those functions, flash disk players can be used to save documents and other important files.Although digital music players are created out of advance technologies, these gadgets are still considered as cheap. Digital music players cost less and are maintained easily. Before, music lovers prefer collecting compact discs of their favorite songs. The existence of digital music players el iminates the idea of stacking the discs in shelves. Instead, music enthusiasts can just collect their chosen music and store in the player. It saves space and reduces the financial burden of users. Moreover, consumers can simply collect more songs through the players without buying more discs. Some digital player makers offer free songs through their websites.Digital music players are one of the most hyped gadgets in the market. Every digital music player maker ensures that their products are swell exposed in various target points. These companies have enough resources to fully advertise their new products. The most common form of promotion is through television and print. These makers see to it that their digital music players are well covered by media outlets. Another method of advertising the players is through the Internet. Product websites have been created by these makers to provide study and after sales support.Among the music gadgets procurable in the market, digital musi c players have a reputation of adding personal touch. Other music gadgets only include limited songs. But the songs in digital music players are preferred by the users. This is an important aspect that has driven digital music players to success. The players are user-friendly and consider the choice of the users. Digital music players are more than just gadgets but are also personal preference.Despite recent success, the digital music player industry has pressing concerns that are needed to be resolved. The most evident issue in the industry is the emergence of knock-offs. Some individuals and groups are destroying the credibility of digital music player makers by producing their own fake versions. Piracy is a major concern that has affected the industry for years. These fake versions are sold cheap in the market. Consumers who lack the friendship on authentic digital music players end up buying knock-offs. As a result, users of fake players experience malfunctioning of gadgets.Com petition is a positive aspect of the industry. The definition of competition changes when an alternative music player comes into the picture. As digital music players were emerging, there were few who warned the makers about Apples version. aft(prenominal) the iPod was launched, digital music player makers noticed the decreasing market share of their products. The presence of the iPod is an obstacle in the industry. The Apple gadget has successfully replaced digital music players as the primary music gadget. There are worse news for digital music player makers as the iPod continue to improve its features.III. RecommendationsThe strategies of digital music player markets have to evolve on product development, marketing and piracy. Manufacturers have to improve the research base to determine possible changes in their current players. The development has to embrace the movements in technology and consider the preference of the users. Continuous monitoring of competitor performance is also important. This will allow makers to develop better players.In marketing digital music players, manufacturers have to define their targets. Despite iPods ascendance, it is still dubbed as expensive. This means that a great portion of the market can only afford other music players. Makers have to focus more on the lower earning bracket of the market. Because these consumers have no resources to purchase an iPod, then a digital music player is the best alternative. The marketing initiatives of digital music makers have to emphasize on the gadgets reputation as a low cost option.It is important for digital music player manufacturers to fight piracy. The most effective way to limit its effects is to a rigorous information campaign. The digital music player makers have to ensure that consumers are aware of the original players and knock-offs. Government policies will also help the industry in puzzle out piracy. Laws on intellectual property rights and prosecution of violators are possible steps for the government. Finally, the continuous public support for authentic digital music players have to be sustained.ConclusionIt is undeniable that the digital music industry will remain upbeat. Users keep on growing and product development is a priority among makers. Digital music players are also being exposed to other markets. But there are concerns that have to be resolved. The iPod is still the main competitors of the industry. Piracy persists and restoration the reputation of digital music player makers. The way to overcome these adversities requires the participation of the industry and its stakeholders. The possible courses of action involve aggressive information drives, accurate market targeting, and legislations to challenge piracy.ReferencesHarvard Law School, (2000), Digital Music Problems and Possibilities, Dateaccessed 10 November 2007, from http// Players, the Basics and History, Date accessed 10 November 2007, from http//www.m Today, (2005), Firestorm rages over lockdown on digital music. Dateaccessed 10 November 2007, from http//

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ann from “The Painted Door” by Sinclair Ross Essay

Because of Johns lack of communication skills, Ann feels isolated psychologically and emotionally, and as a result, she is seen by the reader as a woman in despair seeking companionship during the Great Depression.Ann is dutiful and submissive, so typical of the women of the 30s, as it is shown when she claimed, Plenty to eat plenty of wood to keep me warm what more could a woman ask for?(p.48) even though it is clearly the opposite of what she sincerely wants. She says to John I know. Its just that sometimes when youre away I get lonely the hesitation in this particular sentence explains her herculean desire to have someone to talk to, yet is afraid of Johns response.But we think Ann is more than just what she appears to be. There are moments where her rebellious personality is shown, such as when she went out of the house during the blizzard to feed the animals when John had plainly stated to her, Everythings fed and watered, and Ill see that at that places plenty of wood in. This depicts Anns willingness to go so far as to distract herself from her loneliness. Also, the way she beseeches John to stay and the way she reacted, She glanced up sharply, consequently busied herself clearing the table (pg49) at the mention of a visit by Steven shows that she presents some good intuition and intellect as to what may happen.One passel argue that Ann is unconsciously selfish and even ungrateful, for John is constantly trying to please her by working continuous hours without aids of others. She also has a roof over her head and food in her tummy that so many lacked during that era, and yet, she gives hints that she is highly unsatisfied of her current situation and commits adultery. However, the lack of companionship, increased by the aridity of the surroundings in which the character lives in, makes Ann desperate for anything that would get her out of her miserable existence. As we know, humans are extreme social creatures, and when Steven arrived on her door steps with his, quote, still-boyish face (pg57) and his lips worn-out in a little smile that was too insolent, but at the same time companionable(pg57) , Ann forgets allrules and drops her mental barrier, giving into what she desires the most companionship.So in conclusion, we feel that Ann is a woman with an extremely good heart, but is misguided into doing wrong actions by the isolation and loneliness in which her husband had at last caused.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Education policy Essay

teaching the basic look at Object of breeding Importance of Education dry land of Pakistans Educational dodge Educational System in Pakistan Key Performance Indicators for Education Systems PROBLEMS OF didactics IN PAKISTAN 1. Medium of Education 2. Disparity of System at Provincial Level 3. Gender Discrimination 4. Lack of Technical Education 5. Low allocation of funds 6. Inefficient Teachers 7. Poverty 8. Corruption 9. brotherly imbalance 10. Mismanagement of System 11. Infrastructure Problems 12. closed-door schooling system 13. Lack of reproductional policies 14. Increase in universe of discourse 15.Lack of watchfulness of the governance 16. Lack of uniform fosteringal system 17. Medium of Instruction 18. Education as a business 19. Delay in renewal of policies and syllabus 20. semipolitical Interference SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM 1. English should be medium of Instruction 2. Talented and qualified Staff 3. Fulfill the lack of teachers 4. Primary ed ucation should be made compulsory 5. Increase in teachers incentives 6. Translation of foreign research to local language 7. Check on distinctive education- 8. Scholarships and financial oblige to students 9. Special Financial packages 10.Bet limitent of education policies and teachers fieldshop 11. Infused Technical Education 12. Promotion of primary education Conclusion Essay Education the basic take on Education is the light of the life. Education proves to one of the roughly important factors for the development of human civilization. Education enhances human term and leads everyone to propriety. it is a continuous and lifelong process. It attributes most important, cute and permanent property of an individual. Education provides manpower, strengthens guinea pig unity and uplifts humankind awargonness. It invites positive and constructive change in life.It makes our life really prosperous and meaningful. Everyone wants to be well traild. Life can be successful by the protagonist of appropriate education. Educated person can save judge what is correct and what is do by And takes the appropriate and right decision but uneducated person fails to do so. Object of Education Robert Maynard Hutchins describes it as The object of education is to prep atomic number 18 the young to educate themselves through erupt their lives. We should distribute our youth the way to educate themselves. Edward Everett said that Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. Importance of Education We all know the importance of education. It is the most important aspect of any(prenominal) nations survival today. Education builds the nations it determines the future of a nation. ISLAM also tells us about Education and its importance. The real essence of Education according to ISLAM is to know ALLAH but I think in our pastoral we truly lost. Neither our schools nor our madrassas (Islamic Education Centres) ar truly educating our youth in this regar d. In schools, we atomic number 18 just preparing them for Money. We arent educating them we are just preparing Money Machines.We are save increase the core of the books for our children and just enrolling them in a reputed, big school for what, just for social status On the other hand in our madrassas we are preparing people who finds very difficult to adjust in the modern society. Some clippings it seems that they are from a nonher planet. A madrassa student cant compete nonetheless in our coun strive then the World is so far from him. He finds very difficult to even speak to a school boy. It is crystal reform that Islamic Education is necessary for Muslims but it is also a fact that without modern education no one can compete in this being.thither are many examples of Muslim Scholars who non only study the Holy Quraan but also mastered the other subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and many more, with the help of Holy Quraan. I think with the current educat ion system we are narrowing the way for our children instead of widening it. There is no doubt that our children are very talented, both in schools and in madrassas, we just need to give them proper ways to groom, give them the space to become Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Alberoni, Abnalhasam, or Einstein, Newton, Thomas Edison.The education system we are running with is not working anymore. We have to find a way to bridge this gap between school and madrassa. Background of Pakistans Educational System Numerous international assessments could explore that Pakistan is lagging behind many countries in achieving the Education for All goal (EFA). We were the signatory to the treaty downstairs Dakar Framework where it was decided by all the developing countries that they will be trying to achieve the position of EFI in the meeting held in Senegal in 2000.UNESCO rates in Pakistan are at a lower EFA development Index (EDI) because of low enrolment at primary school, adult literacy, sex equity and equality, equalities in education and quality of education. The adult literacy in Pakistan, in spite of concerted efforts, fail to go beyond the border line of 50 percent. The women literacy is more than more belittling as thirty three percent of the adult women cannot even read. The more embracing would be that we would not be catching the target to achieve the adult literacy by 2015.Progress towards the achievement of the targets is exceptionally slow, while gender parity goal is at risk of not being achieved by 2015. Moreover, more than 6 million children are out of school. Educational System in Pakistan Education system in Pakistan is really having a bad frame at the moment. There is no doubt in accepting the fact that education stands the backbone for the development of nations. Looking at the history of nations, we may safely celestial orbit the conclusion that the advanced nations of the world could reach the zenith of pr estige and power taking support from education.The allocations for education are too meager, and in spite of allocation, the nitty-gritty is not spent for what it was meant for as the corruption is piece in all the tiers of education and also because of the same delivery from the administration institutions that is much below the desire and aspired levels. Private education in Pakistan is far reaching for the poor and the disorder of this quality education does not serve the country the way they are alleged(a) to. Planning for education does not go in congruence with the needs and implement remains ever ignored, so by this way the system is getting more spoiled rather than flourishing.Our universities have failed to produce the planners, developers, implementers, and decision makers. Rather the turnover is a mismatch with the ground realities, the half backed persons we are producing are of no use to us. The students we come across are degree seekers rather than the knowledge. The increase in number of colleges and universities does not mean that we are going by the standards rather these are worsening, a simple evidence of which is that no Pakistani university could find a space among the top 1000 universities of the world. The socio-economic scenario is directly attached with the status of Education in the country.The developed world managed to scale up their education in line with the needs and market requirements. Despite the recent achievements, a push-down storage more is needed to be done as the country still faces numerous challenges which cause deterrence. We are under obligation to raise the education of our population to the level of our South Asian neighbors, to combat our own social and economic wants to the satisfactory level. The very scale of Pakistans education sphere more than 150,000 mankind education institutions serving over 21 million students and a huge cloistered sector that serves another 12 million presents formidable chall enges.Education is found to be the cheapest and tangible defense mechanism for a nation on the social, political, and economic fronts. But the down trodden condition of education in Pakistan bears an ample attestation of the fact that it is unable to defend its own sector. Over the span of 64 years, the nation has been given the 23 policies and action plans but we could not start the edge towards success and are waiting for a savior who could take the system out of turmoil. There were ample spending in the government of Pervaiz Musharraf on education and due to which, we could see the visible positive educational change in Pakistani society.Currently the economic situation in Pakistan is under severe straining and education sector has received the highest impact in Pakistan. The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has led to the fact in the following words, The affirm of Pakistan shall remove analphabetism and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minim um possible period. In Human development Report, Pakistan is placed at 136th position because its 49. 9% population comes under the definition of education. The dropout rate is alarmingly high at the primary level consequently, it is revealed by the Data Center of UNESCO, that 33. 8% female persons and 47.18% in males could pass through the most initial level of education. We may be conclusive about the ground reality that people in the 6th largest country of the world have no access to the basic education even. Key Performance Indicators for Education Systems The frequently used indicators for assessing education and its systems are adult literacy rates, male and female enrollment at different levels of education, participation rate in the different areas of the country the dropout rates, the amount of resources allocated to education as a proportion of the gross domestic product and about measures of the quality of education being pursued.At the moment, the workability of these indicators rests on the footing of authenticated and recent data so that the planning details may be worked out with confidence. Irony of fate, the indicators, their footings and the quality of data all want more authenticity, but unfortunately, Pakistans record lacks objectivity and rationality on all counts. PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN 1. Medium of Education The system of education in Pakistan is operative in match with the local needs and ground realities.It is almost a deciding(prenominal) factor that the education in the mother tongue surrenders more dividends but we have the system more segregated and diversified just contrary to our requirements. A good example of it is that we fail to decide about the Medium of education over the span of 64 years. Different mediums are operational in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two segments. 21. Disparity of System at Provincial LevelThe Regions of Pakistan in the name of provinces are not at par as regards the infrastructure, availability of staff, their training, content mastery allocation of resources and their utilization. This develops a disparity not only in the system but in the turnover too. There is a need to revisit the schools in Baluchistan (The Largest Province of Pakistan by area) because these are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (The Largest Province of Pakistan by Population). In FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting 29. 5% in males and 3% in females.The conditions are to be made more congenial about teaching and learning in all parts of the country without any discretion. 22. Gender Discrimination We should have know how of the population comprising females, unfortunately their education is not attended to the way it was deemed fit. The gender discrimination is a cause that is contributing towards the low participation rate of girls at the basic level of education. The male and female participation ratio is project at the primary school in the shape of ratio of boys & girls as 104 respectively.In the decade passed, government invited private sector to get up the responsibility of education of the youth. The intent was also to provide the education at the doorstep to the children e surplusly the female students. The private sector took up the challenge and in that respect was an increase in the growth of private schools but this step didnt cause the increase in the students or the quality. The masses could not be attracted because of precious education. It created clear cut tiers of society and created a gap among those with the haves and have nots. 23. Lack of Technical EducationThere is a craze for the white receive jobs for the same pupils. Select the worldwide rut of education, though they have the least tilt or the capacity to cope with the demands. China, Japan and Germany have the ruts for those who have a taste for and do not achieve the excellence in the general rut of e ducation. We have kept the opportunities open for all to participate in general education at all levels especially the university level. We could not attract the general masses towards technical education making them to earn of their own act as the entrepreneurs and make their living without being the burden on the government.Education system is needed to be revamped making a space for the science, IT, management, and pupil with the excellence to go to the higher(prenominal) education pursuing the education of their own choice. Lesser emphasis on technical education means the lesser manpower for industry and in that respectfrom the lesser finance generation. 24. Low allocation of funds The allocation of funds for education is very low as it never went beyond 1. 5 to 2. 0 percent of the total GDP. Even this amount was not utilized and had to be surrendered back to the government because of want of expertise and the knowledge of codal formalities and in time release of funds.There i s a need to increase it around 7% of the total GDP tutelage in view the allocations by the neighboring countries, there is also a need to rationalize the share at the different levels not ignoring any. 25. Inefficient Teachers Government fails to attract the potential candidates for teaching with the zeal aught and excellent carrier. Teaching is rated as the last-place among the jobs for the youth, because of lesser incentives, slow promotions and lesser fringe benefits. The teachers in government schools are not well groomed and fitted out(p) with knowledge and training.People who do not get job in any other sector, they try their luck in educational system. There is a need to reorganize pre-service and in-service trainings making them matched with the requirements rather to keep them ideal, unique and novel. 26. Poverty Poverty is growing over the years. The average class is vanishing like anything. It happens to be a curse for the nation that exists without having the average income group. The escalation of poverty has restricted the parents to send their children to tasks for child labor or at least to public or private schools.In these schools, the drop out is very high because schools are not the attractive places, the curriculum is dry and the teaching does not match the live situations. Poor parents are constrained to send their children to madressahs where the education is totally free. 27. Corruption Corruption causes the educational policies, plans and projects to fail because of being the major contributing factor. There is no accountability and transparentness in the system, the salaries are low, the incentives are too less to be accounted and even those are uneven. An estimated Rs. 2,594 million out of a total of Rs.7,016 million provided for improvement of school facilities such as buildings, electricity, drinkable water, etc had gone unaccounted during the fiscal periods 2001-06 (UNESCO Bano, 2007). Similarly, more than 70% literacy centers in Punjab remained inoperative or exist only on paper (ADBP, 2007). The chances of speck schools should be evaded by involving the community in the processes of inspection and monitoring. 28. Social imbalance The students from the elite group class follow the O and A levels curriculum instead of Pakistans routine orthodox and stagnant curriculum.They have little or no awareness of their religion and culture whereas those passing out from Urdu medium schools are usually destined to work in clerical and lower level positions. Religious madrassas churn out yet another class that is usually unaware of the world outside their own perception. 29. Mismanagement of System Teachers absenteeism, poor professional training, sub-standard materials and obsolete teaching methods act as the major contributive factors towards the low enrolment in schools.Burki (2005), opines that most of the public schools are either mismanaged or poorly managed. They are found imparting education of second-rate quality through substandard textbooks and curricula that do not cater the needs of the 21st century. The education should be found on learning outcomes through suggesting multiple books rather than following a exclusive book as an obligation. 30. Infrastructure Problems The dropout rate of those lucky enough to be enrolled goes beyond 45% as has been divulged by the several reports.Most of the public sector educational institutions stay in a status of poor condition lacking even basic facilities, resultantly shaking the presupposed standards of education. There are four areas that blubber out for pressing concentration which are curriculum, textbooks, examinations, and teacher training (Hoodbhoy, 2001). The textbooks need be made more facilitating, student and learning friendly. 31. Private school system Private Schools in Pakistan enroll more students than in other countries of the region. They least bother about the capacity and facilities available, they rather over burden th e teaching staff.The rapid mushroom-shaped cloud growth of private schools and academies of teaching reflect the peoples lack of trust in the public sector schools coupled with a deficiency of competent educational institutions to cater to the needs of the fast growing population. However, there are certain private schools which are slightly better than the public ones. In the elite schools where the quality education is offered, heavy fees is charged that continues to be a problem. These private sectors schools are meant only for a special sector of the population and are out of the reach of general masses.The private sector schools should be brought under the control of rules making these somewhat accessible for the common population. 32. Lack of educational policies The subject field Education Policy (1998-2010) was developed prior to Dakar. It has a clear cut vision and direction to support the education department. Since the 2001, the Ministry of Education has developed a num ber of polity documents including that of National Education polity (2009) but the endeavors remain focused on paper work more rather than the operationalization, though the involvement of NGOs and internationaldevelopment agencies is very much there. The simple reason is that the plans are vicious and not the ground reality based. The policies should be environment friendly. . 33. Increase in population Literacy in Pakistan has risen from 45 to 54 percent within the span of 2002 to 2006, simultaneously primary enrollment rates have also increased from 42 to 52 percent. The population explosion could not enable to catch the targets. In spite of the increase in the certain parameters, the participation rate in Pakistan remains the lowest in South Asia.Alongside it, there are marked male-female, inter-regional and rural-urban disparities Only 22 percent of girls, compared to 47 percent boys, complete primary schooling. Female literacy in rural Baluchistan is only 32 percent compared to high urban male literacy rates (and 80 percent among the urban male in Sindh) 34. Lack of attention of the authorities Most of the criticisms leveled against the education procedures and practices may be rationalized through improving governance and accountability.It would be tangible and workable if we could go for considering the merit, enabling capacity building, increasing investments in education as an industry and finally giving the heir and fire powers to the administrative heads. The private sector and the banks should finance the educational milieu with confidence, as at the moment, we are spending 2. 3 percent of GDP which is the lowest in South Asia. 35. Lack of uniform educational system There is a crying need for quality which calls for homogeneity among the procedural formalities like the observance of the curriculum.Had it been uniform the working for it, further extension becomes easier and getting the intellect skimmed out of masses becomes possible. Currently, the poor are deprived of education in the elite institutions which are causing the development of a special class. This class doesnt work for the nation they work elsewhere but are fed through the national resources. 36. Medium of Instruction We took a long period in deciding that what our medium of instruction would be, till now we dont have a clear picture before us. It is good to have the National language as the medium of communication provided we have a rich treasure of knowledge.In our case, we do not fail to develop Urdu to cope with the keen needs nor do we realize the treasure of knowledge available for our national use. 37. Education as a business Education has been pursued by some of the people as an industry but because of being illiterates, they fail to cope up with the stipulated standards. The leader with vision spoils the mission as well as the projects undertaken. Their only intent is money making that has caused the decay in the standards, induction of sub-standa rd staff, and depriving the deserving to grow.They dont want to catch with the move of success but they try to be good entrepreneurs. 38. Delay in renewal of policies and syllabus/Political Interference There is a need to continuously update the curriculum because if it goes stale, it does not equip the beneficiaries with the saleable skills and expertise. At the first place, the problems cited have arisen due to lack of cargo and inefficient management on the part of state. The policies lack long term vision and its implementation strategies are being affected by undue political interference.In addition to it, the measures taken are not evidence based and geared by the vested interests of the authorities. Whatever strategies have been applied failed to promote the rational and critical thinking skills amongst the students. At the second place, we find lack of resource commitment and realistic implementation alongside poor allocated resource utilization. As relevant statistics are not available, implementation of the education policy has not been success to the full executed. At the third place, we come across weak budgetary planning because of staggered data and least coordination among the data maintaining units (USAID, 2006).The coordination, match with the assessment, project design and implementation are not to the desired level within the government and with the donor agencies. The harmonization is missing too between the federal and provincial governments which cause drastic problems in the policy implementation. The policy formulating, planning and implementing bodies work in isolation as the water tight compartments. The governments consultation is very much restricted and does not go beyond its specific quarters.It should have to be extended to non-state sectors to initiate and mobilize the action. Teachers does not normally form the part of policy making process, then the process of sharing and consultation remains missing. It leads to implementat ion of educational policies without consultation, thus the efforts go in vain (UNESCO, 2007). Over the span of time, what we have learnt is to go for dialogue, and keeping the private and public sector on board. The matter of access to education and challenges to quality remain at stake as being unresolved despite much policy deliberation.Recently, Minister of Education announced a new Education policy for that next 10 years ignoring the fact that the previous educational policy span still persists that was from 1998 to 2010. The policy has projected new plans and promises to the nation pointing to the fact that all the public schools will be raised to the level of private schools within the shortest period of time. In the absence of a plan of action, the suggested plan of action would not work. The schools have been put under obligation to use the national curriculum and encourage the students of 5th and 8th class to take board exams.This has disturbed the students of private sect or also. It is urged that the Universities should be the research centres and moldiness not be allowed to act as the examining bodies for graduate or post-graduate examinations. Allocations are supposed to be made to the aspired levels as UNO suggests a country to allocate at least four percent of its GDP towards education but here in Pakistan we are just allocating less than two percents of GDP. Even that is not fully utilized because of procedural formalities. Suggested Solutions for Educational System 13. English should be medium of InstructionEnglish language should be the medium of instruction from beginning to the higher levels of learning. National language should be a supporting language for communication facilitation and every day business. Efforts should be made to enhance the knowledge treasure in the national language through translation of the research based information. 14. Talented and qualified Staff Hiring should be made from amongst the highly qualified and the tea chers should be remunerative not according to the level of education but the qualification of the staff. 15. Fulfill the lack of teachersEfforts should be made to bring down the student-teacher ratio to 151 in lieu of current 401. Consequently, the number of teachers will have to be enhanced, leading to the rise in number of teachers and enabling the competent persons to be inducted to the system of education. 16. Primary education should be made compulsory Primary education should be made compulsory and free (it is already free of appeal but not compulsory). It should also be made appealing, impressive, interesting and utilitarian to attract the general masses. 17. Increase in teachers incentivesTeachers should be offered more financial benefits by increasing their pays. 18. Translation of foreign research to local language University professors should be encouraged to conduct and share the research to the concerned stakeholders. They should also be asked to translate the foreign research into local languages for sharing it with the lower formations of education enabling them to implement/take benefit out of it. 19. Check on distinctive education- Government should strictly check all private educational institutions for keeping a balance of standards and level of practices. 20.Scholarships and financial support to students Students should be offered more scholarships and government should support the intelligent and outstanding students to prosper, develop and serve their local community rather than migrating to the big cities. 21. Special Financial packages The dilemma here in Pakistan is that students are genius but they use their intelligence in negative way, hence, contributing nothing towards the development of country. Another problem with Pakistan is brain drain. Capable and outstanding professionals select foreign jobs instead of serving in their own country.This is due to the low financial benefits and indifferent attitude of government towards th em. Recently Government should provide them facilities and special financial packages to encourage them to stay in their own country. 22. Betterment of education policies and teachers workshop In the view of importance of education, the Government should take solid stairs towards implementation instead of projecting policies. In this regard, the allocations should be made easy and timely from provinces to districts and then to educational institutes. Workshops must be arranged for teachers as a continuous feature for learning.23. Infused Technical Education Technical education should be infused into the regular system stream. The education board of Punjab has projected a plan to give tech- education to the children of industrial workers. 24. Promotion of primary education Promotion of the primary education should be made possible by consulting teachers, professors and educationists while devising any plan, syllabus or policy for it. There should be a balance in reliance on public an d private for enabling education to reach the general masses in its true shape.Students outlook is to be broadened by taking them out of the books into the practical realities. Education is the only cure of disability of the state and for bringing revolution through evolution and by eradicating the social evils through education. Conclusion Education serves as the backbone for the development of nations. The countries with the effective impressive need oriented, saleable and effective system of education comes out to be the leaders of the world, both socially and economically. It is only education which can turn a burden of population into productive human resource.Pakistans current state demands that the allocations for education be doubled to meet the challenges of EFI, gender disparity and provision of teachers in the work places earlier than 2018 as per stipulated qualifications. Millennium Development Goals are yet to be realized latest by 2015. The natural calamities, politica l turbulence, provincialisms, and political motivations make the outdo planned, fail. The allocations towards the sector of education could not be enhanced because of the earlier. We have to revisit our priorities to keep the country on the track of progress.